Survey Templates Surveys ADPTC-Part IV-Sections J, K, L, and M

ADPTC-Part IV-Sections J, K, L, and M

ADPTC-Part IV-Sections J, K, L, and M

Who evaluates your performance annually as Clinic Director?
Do you have a job description that accurately reflects your current activities?
Does the Head/Chair of your department understand and support your activities within and on behalf of ADPTC?
Please describe any University activities you perform outside of the department.
Are you:
What is your age?
What degree do you hold?
How long have you held this degree? (In years)
How long have you held the position of clinic director? (In years)
What is your salary?
What proportion of your time is officially allocated to administration of your clinic?
What proportion of your time is actually spent in administration of your clinic?
Are you expected to be research-active?
If Yes, what proportion of your time is devoted strictly to research?
If Yes, are you expected to perform the same amount of research as tenure0-track faculty?
Are you expected to teach?
If YES, what is your teaching load per quarter/semester?
Are you expected to provide clinic supervision?
If YES, what is your average supervision load per quarter/semester in hours?
Do you aid in supervisory coverage in crisis situations?
Do other supervisors aid in supervisory coverage in crisis situations?
In your opinion, does your role as clinic director give you adequate control over clinical service delivery?
Do you personally maintain your own malpractice insurance?
Do you, as clinic director, have some privileges or "perks" that other faculty do not have?
If YES, please describe.
What do you like most about your job as clinic director? (Check all that apply.)
Please indicate what you like least about your job as clinic director:
What are your biggest headaches as clinic director? Different from previous item?
Please indicate the degree of overall satisfaction you get from your job as clinic coordinator.
What would make you more satisfied with your position?
a) Money
b) Collegiality
c) Parity with department faculty
d) Support system for clinic
e) Other
Do you see your position as a:
From whom do you get support in you role as clinic director? (Please rank all that apply with 1 being least supportive and 5 being most supportive or N/A, not applicable.)
a) Student trainees
b) Training program faculty
c) Departmental faculty
d) Department head/chair
e) Other departmental administrators
f) College dean
g) University administration
What do you believe is the appropriate status for clinic directors?
In terms of the amount of responsibility you hold as clinic director and the amount of power you feel you have in your department, how would you rate this balance? Rate each on a 5-point scale. (1=none, 5=lots)
a) level of responsibility
b) level of power
Do you as Clinic Director feel parity with other department members?
Does this affect your performance and/or longevity in the position?
How useful has ADPTC been to you in your role as Clinic Director?
In what areas can ADPTC expand or improve its services to you?
Do you have other comments or suggestions on this section?
Are clinic trainees evaluated on a regular basis?
Does a standardized form exist for the evaluation of trainees by supervisors?
If YES, are the trainees aware of this form and the grounds by which they will be evaluated?
If NO, how are the trainees made aware of how they will be evaluated?
Do your supervisors and supervisees set out their goals and expectations in some form of written agreement or contract?
In what forms do your trainees typically receive feedback from evaluations of their clinical skills?
If you provide written feedback to trainees, what format do you use?
Is there communication of trainee evaluations among clinical faculty?
If Yes, how is this done?
If there is no sharing of trainee evaluation information among faculty, do you believe there should be?
Where are the trainee evaluation records kept?
Who has access to these evaluations?
Is there a central gatekeeper or key holder for these?
If YES, who?
Please indicate the impact of your clinic's present trainee evaluation system on supervisor/supervisee relations.
What would make the impact of these evaluations more positive?
What are the most common student trainee complaints regarding your clinic?
Does a standardized form exist for the evaluation of supervisors by trainees?
Do your trainees evaluate your clinic's supervisors on a regular basis?
If Yes, who collects that information?
Is that information shared with the supervisor being evaluated?
If Yes, how is that information communicated to supervisors?
If supervisor evaluations are conducted, who has access to them? (Check all that apply.)
Are trainees' activities with respect to clients covered under the genreal liability policy of our university?
If yes, do trainees have to be registered for practicum credit to be covered?
Do trainees purchase their own liability insurance (in lieu of or in addition tothe university coverage)?
Does your clinic provide liability insurance for its providers of service?
If yes, who pays for the insurance? (Check all that apply.)
Do you accept cases that are likely to involve court testimony?
If yes, what type of cases? (Check all that apply.)
If a student is called to testify, do you, as clinic director, accompany the student to court?
If a student is called to testify does the case supervisor accompany the student to court?
Do you brief your trainees before they begin to see clients on how their case notes may be used by the legal system?
Please indicate the degree to which you consider your clinical faculty to be appropriate professional role models.
What do you do with/about faculty that, in your opinion, do not provide adequate and/or appropriate supervision for their trainees?
Do you feel your trainees receive adequate training in dealing with the following areas?
a) survivors of sexual abuse
b) survivors of physical abuse
c) survivors of domestic violence
d) perpetrators of any violence/abuse
e) substance abuse disorders
Do you have enough supervisors who in your view, have been adequately trained to supervise cases described above?
What proportion of your female clients are survivors of sexual abuse?
a) We don't track that data.
b) My estimate is:
c) Our data indicate:
What proportion of your male clients are survivors of sexual abuse?
a) We don't track that data.
b) My estimate is:
c) Our data indicate:
Do you believe that psychologists will eventually get prescription privileges?
If yes, in how many years do you think this will happen?
Are you in favor of prescription privileges for psychologists?
What factors influence your views on this topic. (Check all that apply.)
Do you believe that community mental health centers are the appropriate model for psychology training clinics?
Do you believe there is a push to adopt community health center models or standards in training clinics?
Do you see the need for a clinic director handbook?
If yes, what would such a manual appropriately contain?
Would you like to see a centralized database contributed to by all training clincis?
If yes, what kind of information woud you want included in such a database?
If you support such a database, what do you see as its main purpose?

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