Survey Templates Surveys Kuwaiti Instructors Survey- Final - COPIED [aebmit

Kuwaiti Instructors Survey- Final - COPIED [aebmit

Egyptian Instructors Survey

NOTE: Please use the computer mouse to select your answers. You can change your answers at any stage before hitting the submit button at the end. Notice that the computer will prompt you in case you forget any question.

Place of Work
1.Please identify the degree of your agreement or disagreement with the following issues.

Formative assessment tasks in an English writing course should be intended to:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Identify what knowledge and skills have been learnt
Give students feedback about their writing to help them improve their future performance
Provide evidence for student current writing performance
Provide evidence of student long term progress
Be used to rank students
Be used as a tool to self-directed learning
Motivate students to write
Provide information about what the student can do rather what they can not do
Help students produce better writing QUALITY through regularity of assessment and feedback
Help students produce better writing QUANTITY through regularity of assessment and feedback
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Reflect an institutional focus on formative assessment of students' learning
Be used by institutions to monitor teaching performance
2.Does formative assessment form a formal requirement by the curriculum /institution in your teaching context?
3.Do you think formative assessment should contribute to the final grade of the students?
4.Does it affect the final grade of the students in your situation?
5.If yes, in what percentage?
6.Does any of the following elements affect the final grade too?
7.Do you think instructors find difficulties in selecting the type of tasks to be carried out by the students in writing courses?
8.If yes, explain
9.What are the most common writing tasks instructors generally ask students to do?
10.In average, how many tasks would an instructor ask his/her students to do per course?
11.Do you think this number of tasks is enough?
Very Frequently
How frequent do you think formative assessment should be?
13.What are the barriers, if any, to increasing frequency of formative assessment in your context?
14.How do you describe the marking load in teaching a writing course?
15.On average, how many essays do you have to mark per task?
How would you describe the marking load in one word or so?
17.Do instructors give the tasks back to the students once they mark them?
18.If yes, how long does it generally take to give the tasks back?
Very Often
How often do instructors give feedback to the students?
20.What kind of feedback they often give students?
21.Does your teaching context encourage giving more tasks for the same students in the same course?
22.Do you think there is frequent communication among colleagues about formative assessment?
23.How do you evaluate current formative assessment practices in your institution with regard to the following aspects:
Above Average
Below Average
Extremely Poor
a) Accurately reflecting student learning
b) Being regularly carried out
c) Providing students with information about their writing performance
d) Providing students with feedback about their writing
e) Motivating students to write
f) Encouraging self-directed learning
g) Monitoring teaching performance
h) Accurately ranking students
i) Reporting long term progress in writing
j) Reporting what knowledge and skills of writing have been learnt
Above Average
Below Average
Extremely Poor
k) Providing information about what students can NOT do
l) Being fair to all students
m) Fulfilling to course objectives
n) Fulfilling to students’ learning objectives
o) involving students in assessment
p) Encouraging teacher reflection
q) Encouraging student reflection
24.How do you mark the attitudes of the following stakeholders towards formative assessment?
a) Instructors
b) Students
c) Department
d) School Adminstration
e) Community
Significanly Effective
Somewhat Effective
Not Effective
Not effective At All
How do you mark the formative assessment techniques used in teaching writing in your situation in terms of having positive influence on students’ learning?
26.Mark your agreement or disagreement with the following:
Formative assessment practices are informative to planning the future of:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
a) Institution
b) Department
c) Teacher's Teaching
d) Student's Learning
e) Schools as Future Employer
27.In your opinion, how can we promote positive influence on students’ learning through formative assessment - what should be done to promote this positive washback on students' learning?

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