Plantillas de encuestas Encuestas para evaluación de empleados Preguntas de la encuesta de inducción a los empleados + plantilla de cuestionario de muestra

Preguntas de la encuesta de inducción a los empleados + plantilla de cuestionario de muestra

Una encuesta reciente reveló que aproximadamente el 22% del desgaste del personal ocurre dentro de los primeros 45-50 días de la incorporación. Si bien las organizaciones se esfuerzan por incorporar y capacitar a los candidatos, no logran rastrear y medir su experiencia. Sin encuestas de inducción , no es muy fácil medir la experiencia de inducción de los empleados. Con los cuestionarios de inducción del personal, puede saber si un candidato es el adecuado, identificar las fuentes para adquirir candidatos y cómo puede reparar sus procesos de incorporación y reclutamiento. Use esta plantilla y cuestionario de encuesta de inducción para empleados diseñados por expertos en su organización y comience a medir sus esfuerzos.

En una escala de 0-10, ¿qué tan probable es que recomiende al empleado para un puesto más alto dentro de la organización? 0 Muy improbable to 10 Muy probable
Muy improbable
Muy probable
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Kindly let us know your level of agreement for the below statements
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I was provided all the information about my role when I was contacted
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : All my queries about the role were answered
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : What more can we do for an improved induction experience?
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : How satisfied were you with the on-boarding experience
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very dissatisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Not satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I was given a warm welcome in the organization
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : What more can we do for an improved onboarding experience?
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Kindly let us know your level of agreement for the below statements
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I like coming to work every day here
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I will still be working here 3 years from now
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I will recommend this organization to my friends and family
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : My organization is a great place to work
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : How satisfied are you with your current role?
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very dissatisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Not satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Very satisfied
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Kindly let us know your level of agreement for the below statements
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Disagree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Neutral
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : There is no discrepancy between my current role and what was described
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : This role is right for me
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : My values are aligned with the organization’s values
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : I am satisfied to be working with this organization
Spanish (Español) translation missing for : My goal plan is clearly visible and aligned with the organization goals