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Modelo de questionário sem fins lucrativos + de amostra

Lista de modelos de pesquisa de eventos sem fins lucrativos

Modelos e questionários para pesquisas sem fins lucrativos

QuestionPro oferece amostra grátis de perguntas para organizações sem fins lucrativos. Use essas perguntas da pesquisa on-line para obter o feedback de doadores, voluntários e outras partes interessadas. As empresas sem fins lucrativos podem aprender como foi a experiência das pessoas durante um evento e quais melhorias elas gostariam de ver. Essas amostras de perguntas da pesquisa on-line também medem a eficiência com a qual os fundos são coletados dos doadores e ajudam as organizações sem fins lucrativos a realizar mais eventos com mais regularidade. Eles também permitem que os usuários determinem os interesses e as habilidades dos voluntários, para que possam ser atribuídos um papel de acordo. Algumas das perguntas gratuitas da pesquisa ajudam organizações sem fins lucrativos a ajudar seus alunos a participar de atividades de orientação.

Nonprofit Event Surveys

Event Registration Survey Template

12 questions

This event registration survey template for non-profit organizations serves as a registration form to register people for a certain event. It collects the event registration details such as time and the location of the event and proves to be a convenient source for the non-profit event organizers.

Nonprofit Event Surveys

Donation Survey Template

10 questions

This donation request survey template helps non-profit organizations to get more insights into the donors view about their organization. The online donation request survey questionnaire also helps them to engage better with their donors and is completely free!

Nonprofit Event Surveys

Event Participation Survey Template

7 questions

With a non-profit event participation survey template, it gets easier to track the participants and connect with them during an event. You can also get to know what are the factors influencing them to participate in non-profit events using this event participation survey questionnaire.

Nonprofit Event Surveys

Exit Survey Template

7 questions

Whenever a non-profit organization conducts an event, it is essential for the organizations to connect with its participants and ask them event exit questions to learn about their experience. Hence a non-profit event exit survey template serves its purpose by getting all the relevant information such as how did they hear about the event and their thoughts on the same before they leave.

Nonprofit Event Surveys

Sponsorship Form Survey Template

7 questions

This sponsorship survey template helps non-profit organizations conduct more events on a regular basis. This free online sponsorship form survey questionnaire will also help non-profit organizations to build sponsors.

Nonprofit Event Surveys

Mentoring Programs Survey Template

16 questions

This mentoring programs survey template helps non-profit organizations help their students to participate in mentoring activities and be a beacon of light to a younger or disabled individual. The sample mentoring program survey questionnaire collects information regarding their experience with the program and how do they learn about mentoring activities with non-profit organizations.