Survey Templates Surveys Keds



This short survey is being conducted by McGill students in order to perform an audit on the Keds brand. We appreciate the time and information you are willing to put forth and assure you all data is kept confidential and for educational purposes only.
What is your gender?
What is your age?
Where are you from?
Have you ever heard of Keds?
How did you hear about them?
Have you ever owned a pair of Keds?
Do you currently own any Keds products?
Which gender is most likely to wear Keds?
Keds are primarily worn by what age group?
How much would you be willing to pay for a pair of Keds?
Have you ever been to the Keds website?
Where would you expect to find Keds?
On what occasion would you wear Keds?
What associations first come to mind when you think of Keds? (Pick 3 answers)
What type of music is best associated with the Keds image?
What shoe brands do you currently own?
Which brand do you think is Keds closest competitor?
I would rate Keds as..
I perceive Keds to be..
I perceive Keds to be..
When in a crowd you prefer to..
What is your occupation?
What is your income?
What is your marital status?

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