Survey Templates Surveys Interracial Relationship Survey

Interracial Relationship Survey

Interracial Relationship Survey

How old are you?
What is your race/nationality?
Are you Male or Female?
Have you ever dated outside of your own race?
If yes, What was the experience like?
Do you believe that interracial relationships can be used to measure racial tolerance? Please explain your answer...
Do you believe that people in interracial relationships face challenges and barriers that same race relationships are not exposed to? Explain your answer...
How do you think interracial couples can overcome these given barriers?
Do you believe that interracial relationships can work, and if so, what is the most important tool that they need to employ when dealing with one another?
Please explain you own personal views on interacial dating (why would/have you dated outside your race)
Do you think there is a difference between dating outside of your race, and engaging in an interracial marriage?


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