Survey Templates Surveys MBA-project v1.0

MBA-project v1.0

MBA-project v1.0

What is your company name?
What is your company address?
In what year was the business founded?

How many employees are there?
What is the annual turnover (GBP)?
Do you offer a product or service or both?
In what industries does your business operate? Please tick any that apply

Part 2: Internet ICT adoption decision (see introduction for definition of internet ICT)

Please rate the following in order of importance when you were deciding to adopt internet ICT
How important was the perceived benefits over traditional methods?

e.g. Customer or supplier awareness of your company compared to traditional forms of advertising and retailing.
How important was the perceived improved communications?

e.g. Compared to traditional methods of communication; telephones and faxes, mail
How important was the perceived improved communications?

e.g. Compared to traditional methods of communication; telephones and faxes, mail
How important was the financial readiness?

e.g. Was the cost of adoption an important factor in deciding to adopt internet ICT
How important was the financial readiness?

e.g. Was the cost of adoption an important factor in deciding to adopt internet ICT. i.e. Were financial resources available.
How important was the technological readiness?

e.g. In terms of the level of IT knowledge among IT professionals and non IT professionals and the existing level of use of IT within the organisation.
How important was the competitive pressure?

e.g. Improve business competitiveness providing the opportunity to compete on equal terms with similar or even larger organisations.
How important was the customer pressure?

e.g. Credibility in the eyes of current customers.
How important was the partner's pressure?

e.g. Credibility in the eyes of current partners.
How important was the support and incentives?

e.g. How was the decision to adopt internet ICT influenced by available support and incentives. Support and incentives can be provided by business partners, government programs, or Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

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