حساب مجاني
قوالب المسح استطلاعات تقييم الموظف مسح دوران الموظف

مسح دوران الموظف

تقييم إمكانيات الموظف لquiting

Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : We really value what you bring to the organization every day. To make sure we have a culture that you really enjoy and thrive in, we would really appreciate your input on areas that we are doing well, and where we can improve.

Please let us know your experience in the following areas.
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : Disagree
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : Neutral
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : Agree
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : My manager is supportive of my career development 
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : I get along well with my colleagues
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : I am happy with the recognition I receive at work
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : I have sufficient time to enjoy activities outside of work
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : I can completely unplug when I take time off
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : I feel like my workload is manageable
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : I don’t feel stressed at work
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : The work that I do is intellectually stimulating
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : I can find a good balance between my personal and professional life
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : I am comfortable talking with my manager about challenges I face at work
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : Disagree
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : Neutral
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : Agree
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : Strongly agree
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : I am satisfied with my career progress
Arabic (العربية) translation missing for : I have enough opportunities to develop my skills
ما هي بعض من أكثر الجوانب الإيجابية عن عملك؟
ما هي جوانب عملك يزعجك بما يكفي لجعل تفكر في الإقلاع عن التدخين؟
1. على مقياس تقييم من 0-10 ، بناءً على تجربتك الكلية مع المؤسسة ، ما مدى احتمال أن توصي عائلتك / صديقك بالعمل معنا؟ 0 من المستبعد جدا to 10 من المرجح جدا
من المستبعد جدا
من المرجح جدا
12. هل هناك أي شيء آخر تود إضافته؟