Шаблоны опросов Опросы для оценки розничных магазинов Шаблон опроса об отношении к моде

Шаблон опроса об отношении к моде

Взгляды и образ жизни с точки зрения покупки одежды и товаров из индустрии моды.

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Please select an option to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Definitely Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Somewhat Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Neither
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Somewhat Agree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Definitely Agree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I buy clothes I like, regardless of the current fashion.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I buy new fashion looks only when they are well accepted.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I am not as concerned about fashion as I am about modest prices and wearability.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I prefer to buy well-known designer labels rather than take a chance on something new.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : My friends regard me as a good source of advice on fashion selection.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I am confident of my taste in clothing.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I'm not afraid to be the first to try something new.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I like to buy clothes.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I feel good when I buy something new.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I like clothes that highlight my features.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Definitely Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Somewhat Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Neither
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Somewhat Agree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Definitely Agree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I am considered a trendsetter in my social group.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I think spending more money on expensive clothes is ridiculous.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Please select an option to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Strongly Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Somewhat Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Neither
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Somewhat Agree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Strongly Agree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : What you think of yourself is reflected by what you wear.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I plan my shopping trips carefully.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I dress well to suit the event and place.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Wearing good clothes is a part of leading a good life.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I plan my wardrobe carefully.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I resent being told what to wear by so-called fashion experts.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Fashion in clothing is just a way to get more money from the consumer.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I often find I don't have all the accessories to go with my outfits.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I shop for coordinated outfits.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : There is something wrong with a person who doesn't care about dressing nicely.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Do you agree how you look is an integral part of your personality?