Шаблоны опросов Опросы для получения психографических и демографических данных Psychology Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template | QuestionPro

Psychology Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template | QuestionPro

Psychology Survey Questions are survey questions asked to understand traits, patterns, or conditions that are affecting the respondent's behavior. Psychology survey questions enable the researcher to understand why people act the way they do when exposed to certain situations. It allows the researcher to determine the triggers for certain behaviors, patterns, and traits that can shed light into the psyche of an individual.

Using such survey questions, a psychologist can suggest treatments to help people improve many things such as decision making, stress management, anger management, Self-esteem, confidence, build stronger relationships, and many more positive things in life.

Following are a few generic psychology survey questions that can help understand behaviors, find patterns, assess traits and determine triggers for certain behaviors.

Please state your gender?
In which country did you grow up?
Please state your ethnicity?
What is your age?
What is your highest level of educational qualification?
Please state your current employment status?
Please state your relationship status
Please state the number of children you have?
Please state your level of agreement for the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Financial security is an important aspect for me
I am happy with my professional life
I am happy with my relationships
I am content with the current state of my life
I would say I am usually happier than my friends or colleagues
I like to be included in a group
My social life is negligible
I have very few friends
I know I am the best
How often does the following occur in your life?
Once in a while
About half the time
Most of the time
I meet new people
I make mistakes at my work
I get angry for silly reasons
I help people or strangers
I appreciate people for their work
I conceal my feelings
I feel lonely
I feel depressed
How important are the following in your life?
Not at all important
Slightly important
Moderately important
Very important
Extremely important
Sense of responsibility
Fun and enjoyment in life
Being respected
Strong and healthy relationships
On a scale of 1 to 7, 7 being always, how often do the following occur in your life?
I think I am good for nothing
I think of negative outcomes before the results
I tend to be a pushover
I feel I am the best
I am angry
I feel I have not provided any value to anyone
I have low self -esteem
I feel guilty to say no to others
In your opinion, how true are the following statements 
Definitely true
Most likely true
Probably true
Neither true nor false
I don't have enough freedom to take important decisions
my subordinates respect me for my work
I am a very good boss
I am a kind and compassionate person
The people I feel are close to me actually care about me
I have strong relationships in my life
My partner will always be there for me
I am a shy person
I get nervous to talk to strangers
I get along with everyone
Definitely true
Most likely true
Probably true
Neither true nor false
I don't have any enemies
I am a patient person
I can easily control my anger
Do you have any other concerns that you would like to mention?