Шаблоны опросов COVID 19 Employee Evaluation Surveys Return to work pulse survey template

Return to work pulse survey template

Return to work survey template and sample questionnaire is designed to check up on your employees and their readiness to get back to work in view of the COVID-19 pandemic situation. This back to work pulse questionnaire looks to understand the below aspects:

- Workforce readiness to get back to work
- Staff apprehensions of coming back to the workplace in view of the coronavirus pandemic
- Employee wellbeing, both physical and mental
- Remote work support assessment
- Work from home (WFH) or telecommuting comfort

How comfortable are you returning to work in the office?
Very uncomfortable
Somewhat uncomfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very comfortable
Your rating
Which of the below aspects are you worried most about? Kindly select all that apply.
On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the highest, how confident are your that your organization will take all necessary steps to ensure a safe and healthy work environment during this COVD-19 pandemic?
Your rating
I can convey any coronavirus-related safety concerns to the management, and they will immediately look into those
How satisfied are you with your organization’s response to COVID-19 and employee safety?
Very dissatisfied
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
Your rating
Would you like the management team to answer any specific questions you might have?
How comfortable were you working from home?
Very uncomfortable
Somewhat uncomfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very comfortable
Your rating
Were you provided ample support when telecommuting in this pandemic situation?
Any suggestions that would make you feel comfortable about coming back to the workplace?

Top 3 reasons to use the return to work pulse survey template

COVID-19 has forever changed the way businesses will operate and view the safety of their employees. Now that most employees are going back to physical offices, use this template in your organization for three key reasons.

- Check employee readiness
Are your employees willing to get back to offices? Are their concerns about safety assuaged? These are some of the most important questions that you need answers to before implementing any sort of back-to-work action plan.

- Check organizational readiness
Being ready with all the necessary safety protocols in place is key to opening your physical offices again. You may have been ready for a telecommuting transition. But are you ready for a WFH to physical office transition? You will need to equip offices to ensure social distancing, proper sanitation, etc.

- Address concerns
Employees may have several apprehensions about coming back to the workplace, and they would be right. The COVID-19 has raised some serious concerns about it’s spread and safety measures. Understand your staff’s apprehensions to address them and include them in your action plans. Staff wellbeing is key to ensuring them it is safe to come back to the office.