Шаблоны опросов Опросы для оценки розничных магазинов Шаблон опроса об отношении к совершению покупок в супермаркетах

Шаблон опроса об отношении к совершению покупок в супермаркетах

Шаблон опроса об отношении к совершению покупок в супермаркетах содержит вопросы о различных характерных особенностях, которые проявляют респонденты, когда речь заходит о покупках в супермаркетах. В этот редактируемый пример анкеты включен исчерпывающий перечень вопросов для получения детальной информации об особенностях совершения покупок.

Russian (Русский) translation missing for : We would like to get your views on certain shopping patterns and behavior .
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Strongly Agree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Agree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Neither Agree nor Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Strongly Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I prefer to invite friends over for dinner rather than take them out to eat.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : If a product is out of stock in a supermarket I would substitute rather than go to another store to get it.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I would rather shop in a large supermarket than a small supermarket.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I enjoy preparing meals at home.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I plan meals ahead of my shopping trip.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : A supermarket is a good place to buy CDs and tapes.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I like supermarket shopping.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : If they were available, I would buy hot, ready-to-eat foods (e.g., pizza, chicken) in a supermarket.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Supermarkets make too much money.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I use as many coupons as I can to keep my grocery bill down.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Strongly Agree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Agree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Neither Agree nor Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Strongly Disagree
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : A supermarket is a good place to buy automotive products.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I like to try new grocery products when they first come out.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Supermarkets do a good job in meeting the needs of single shoppers.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Too many products are out of stock when I shop.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : The way supermarkets are laid out makes it easy to find the products I need.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Supermarkets would overcharge if they thought they could.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I try to save time by buying all groceries at one store.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I have been buying fewer convenience foods to cut back on my grocery spending.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : Computerized checkout scanners benefit shoppers.
Russian (Русский) translation missing for : I normally buy some products on my grocery shopping trip that I hadn't planned to.