Survey Templates Product Surveys Consumer Electronics Registration (Car Stereo)

Consumer Electronics Registration (Car Stereo)

Type of store purchased from, demographics, usage application.

Where did you purchase this car stereo?
How did you find out about this particular model?
You decided to buy this car stereo:
You decided to buy this model because of:
Which of the following features do you like most?
The new car stereo was installed by:
You purchased this model:
If this purchase was not your first set, the previous car stereo was used for:
Who is the manufacturer of the car in which the new [BRAND] stereo was installed?

The system which you will use with the new car stereo is:
The total dollar value of your present car stereo:
The system which you plan to buy:
Before you purchased this car stereo, you compared it with:
The CD's which you use are:
My family income is:

Marital Status
Any additional comments about this car stereo?
City, State and Zip