Anket şablonları Çalışan Değerlendirme Anketleri Company Internal Communications Survey Template

Company Internal Communications Survey Template

Communication is integral to our daily lives, enabling us to connect, share information, and build relationships. Effective communication is vital in various aspects of our personal and professional interactions. Conducting a communication survey becomes crucial to gain insights into the ever-evolving landscape of communication practices and preferences.

The communication survey aims to gather valuable data on how individuals perceive and communicate across different platforms, channels, and contexts. By exploring various aspects of communication, such as verbal and nonverbal cues, technology-mediated communication, and cultural influences, this survey seeks to uncover patterns, preferences, and challenges that individuals face in their communication experiences.

What is a Communication survey?

Communication survey is a research tool designed to collect data and insights about various communication practices, preferences, and experiences. It involves asking individuals a series of structured internal communication survey questions, often in a questionnaire, to gather information about their communication habits, attitudes, and perceptions.

The primary objective of a Communication survey is to explore how individuals engage in communication, both in personal and professional contexts. It seeks to understand the different channels and platforms people use, their preferred communication modes (verbal, written, digital, etc.), and their comfort levels with various communication technologies.

What are Internal Communication surveys?

An internal communication survey gathers employee feedback and insights about an organization or company's communication practices and experiences. These internal surveys aim to assess the effectiveness of internal channels, focus groups, effective internal communications strategy, and processes and identify improvement areas. An internal communications survey typically targets employees at all levels of the organization, including managers, team members, and staff members. The surveys can cover a wide range of topics related to internal communication.

The data collected from an internal communication survey are analyzed to identify areas of strength and improvement within the organization's internal communications practices. The findings help shape an internal communications strategy, improve employee engagement levels, strengthen company culture, identify weaknesses, and enhance internal communications effectiveness.

Importance of Internal Communications survey

An effective internal communications survey helps organizations enhance their communication practices, drive organizational change, strengthen leadership communication, employee voice, and promote continuous improvement. Internal Communication survey hold significant importance within organizations for several reasons:

  • Assessing communication effectiveness: Internal Communication surveys provide a means to determine how well communication strategies and communication channels are working within the organization. They help to measure internal communication effectiveness efforts and identify areas that require improvement.

  • Employee feedback and engagement: An internal communications survey allows employees to express their opinions, share feedback, and contribute ideas. By actively involving employees in the communication process, organizations can foster a sense of engagement and empowerment, leading to higher employee satisfaction and motivation.

  • Identifying communication gaps and challenges: Surveys help uncover internal communications gaps, bottlenecks, and challenges employees face. These insights enable organizations to address specific areas of concern and implement targeted solutions to enhance communication efficiency.

  • Enhancing organizational culture: Effective internal communication is closely tied to company culture. It can create a more transparent, collaborative, and inclusive work environment. By conducting an internal communication survey, organizations can gain insights into the prevailing communication culture, identify strengths, and address deficiencies.

  • Strengthening leadership communication: An internal communications survey provides an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of leadership communication within the organization. By soliciting employee feedback, leaders can gain valuable insights into how their messages are received, whether they are understood and whether there is a need for adjustments in their communication style.

  • Driving organizational change and alignment: An internal communications survey can be instrumental in driving corporate change initiatives. They help gather employee input, align their expectations, and foster a shared understanding of organizational goals and objectives. It promotes a unified approach to change and facilitates smoother implementation.

  • Continuous improvement: Surveys enable organizations to collect data over time, allowing them to track progress, measure the impact of communication initiatives, and identify long-term trends. This data-driven approach to internal communication ensures that efforts are continuously refined and improved.

By conducting an internal communications survey, organizations can gain valuable insights into their communication practices, improve employee engagement, foster a positive work culture, and ultimately enhance overall employee performance.

Create Survey for Internal Communication Measurement

When measuring employee internal communication skills through a survey, it's important to design internal communication survey questions assessing various communication aspects. Let's talk about some essential steps to create an effective survey:

  • Define the objectives:

    Determine the specific communication skills you want to measure. For example, assess written communication, verbal communication, listening skills, or overall effectiveness in conveying information.

  • Use a Likert scale:

    Develop a rating scale using a Likert scale format. It allows respondents to rate their skills on a scale of agreement or proficiency. For example, you can use a 5-point scale ranging from "Very Proficient" to "Not Proficient."

  • Create clear and specific questions:

    Craft clear, concise, and directly related to the communication skills you want to measure. Make sure each question focuses on a particular aspect of communication.

  • Include open-ended questions:

    Along with rating scale questions, consider including open-ended questions to gather qualitative feedback. It can provide more in-depth insights and suggestions for improvement.

  • Consider context-specific questions:

    Tailor some questions to reflect your organization's or department's specific communication needs. For example, if collaboration is essential, ask about teamwork or the ability to provide constructive feedback.

  • Anonymity and confidentiality:

    Assure employees that their responses will remain confidential and anonymous to encourage honest feedback. It will help to obtain more accurate results.

  • Analyze and interpret the data:

    Once the survey is complete, analyze the data by aggregating the responses. Look for patterns, trends, and areas for improvement. To identify variations, consider comparing results across different teams, departments, or job roles.

  • Feedback and action steps:

    Share the survey results with the employees and provide feedback on the overall findings. Identify areas of strength for improvement. Based on the survey results, develop action steps or training programs to enhance communication skills.

Measuring communication skills through a survey is just one component of assessing employee communication. Observing real-time communication, providing ongoing feedback, and offering training opportunities to support employees' development in this area are also essential.

Internal Communication Survey Template

This organizational communication survey template helps you analyze how robust, transparent, fair, and efficient your company's external and internal communications are. This survey template will help in understanding where your organization can improve communications internally to boost performance, cross-collaboration, and team dynamics.

Measuring the efficiency of internal communication efforts helps evaluate how employees feel and take measures to improve employee morale. A common choice of bigger firms includes general employee surveys, employee engagement surveys, employee communication, and internal communications surveys. Without effective and constant communication, business operations at organizations may get hampered, resulting in productivity and money losses.

Fluent communication is not the responsibility of one function or manager; an internal communications survey rests with every employee. The information flow from and to all parties involved must be smooth, direct, honest, and open. This internal communications survey example is usually used to analyze an employee's perspective about what is important to communicate regularly, on what topics, organization-wide updates, etc.

Uses Of A Communication Survey Template

1. Employee understanding about company strategies, internal communications strategy survey data, financial aspects, human resource (HR) processes, etc. can be understood using a company internal communications evaluation survey.

2. Check to see if work is delegated properly and communicated clearly to team members.

3. Your organization has enough communication channels for employees to express their opinions and ideas.

Making sure that you have the most useful and timely information is incredibly important to us. To make sure we are delivering on this promise, we would love your input on how well we are doing in our communication initiatives.

Please let us know how we are performing in the following areas, and where we can do better. 
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I feel well-informed about what is going on in the company
I feel like I have a good overall knowledge about the company 
I feel like I have a good overall understanding of the company strategy 
I can always believe the information I receive
How important is it that you receive timely information about the following?
Not at all important
Slightly important
Moderately important
Very important
Extremely important
The company's strategies for the future
Products and services of the company
The overall financial picture of the company
Changes in compensation and bonus programs
Changes in benefits
Not at all important
Slightly important
Moderately important
Very important
Extremely important
Issues and trends affecting our business
Key customer business issues
Company success stories
Competitive initiatives
Marketing programs
Not at all important
Slightly important
Moderately important
Very important
Extremely important
Government affairs affecting the company
Diversity & Inclusion initiatives
Community involvement
How useful do you find the following as sources of information for what is going on in the company?
Extremely useful
Somewhat useful
Not very useful
Not at all useful
My manager
Team meetings
Company intranet 
Company e-mail
The grapevine
Bulletin board
What do you like the best about our company's communication? 
What would you like to see done differently about our company's communication?
What other topics do you feel are important for you to know more about and would like the company to include in future communications?

Top 5 Reasons To Use These Communication Survey Questions

Internal communications can affect your day-to-day business operations, depending on how clear, transparent, employee feedback, company culture, and fairness they are. The amount of information collected in the form of internal communications survey responses helps measure employee satisfaction in real-time and take measures to improve employee engagement.

You should survey your employees to understand how internal communications are at your organization. Here are 5 reasons to use the company communications evaluation survey template:

Knowledge Sharing

To what extent does the organization share critical information with the employees? How frequently is it shared? Sharing important events and facts with your employees is crucial to gaining their trust. Not only will your employees trust you when you share important and crucial information but also can suggest ideas and ways to realize your plans.

Accuracy Of Information

Every employee should be a part of the information chain of the company, and the accuracy of this information can build or break an employee’s trust. Send out a questionnaire to learn whether the employee trusts the information they receive. If the majority of your employees don’t, you may need to dig deeper into it.

Frequency Of Communication

Frequent communication helps in keeping your employees apprised of the developments. Frequency is not only important when communication flows from management to employees, but also from managers to the team, and team members to supervisors.

Timeline Of Communication

When it comes to sensitive information, it is imperative it should be communicated in a timely fashion. If not, it could affect delivery, deadlines, team dynamics, etc. Use this template to understand if this happens at your organization.

Enhance team collaboration

Effective internal communication is crucial for fostering team collaboration. You can facilitate better collaboration, coordination, and teamwork among employees by identifying areas where communication can be improved. Survey questions can assess employees' abilities to share ideas, listen actively, and provide feedback.


Internal communication surveys are invaluable tools that organizations can utilize to gain insights into the effectiveness of their internal communication practices. Providing feedback is a foundation for improving organizational communication dynamics, fostering employee engagement, and enhancing overall organizational performance. An internal communication survey empowers organizations to align their communication efforts with the needs and preferences of their workforce, leading to a more collaborative and productive work environment.

Furthermore, internal communication surveys catalyze driving positive change within organizations. By actively involving employees in the communication process and seeking their feedback, organizations demonstrate a commitment to fostering open and transparent communication. This inclusive approach helps identify communication gaps and challenges and empowers employees to contribute their ideas and suggestions. Ultimately, internal communications survey is vital in building strong internal communication frameworks that support organizational success.