Anket şablonları Insurance Surveys Insurance agent survey questions + sample questionnaire template

Insurance agent survey questions + sample questionnaire template

Insurance Agent Evaluation Survey Template offers questions and examples to evaluate customer satisfaction based on the services provided by the insurance agent. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about the insurance agent. Some of the question examples of this questionnaire are "How satisfied are you with your current insurance agent?", "The agent was responsive and professional?" et al.

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How satisfied are you with your current insurance agent?
The agent was responsive and professional?
My agent/Customer Service Representative was very helpful and knowledgeable?
I feel confident the recommendations I received meet my needs?
How well did the Customer Service Representative listen to you?
7. How likely would you recommend your insurance agent to your friends, family and colleagues?
Where did you find your insurance agent?
How likely are you going to continue using your insurance agent in the future?