Survey Templates Psychographic And Demographic Surveys General shopping demographics survey questions + sample questionnaire template

General shopping demographics survey questions + sample questionnaire template

General shopping demographics survey template by QuestionPro is created with an objective of understanding the demographics and shopping characteristics of consumers. This questionnaire includes a list of demographic questions and examples to get detailed information about buyers. In this sample survey templates questions are based on age, occupation, household income, purchasing habit etc.

When shopping for an everyday dress, how many stores do you typically visit?
What is your approximate age?
Indicate your marital status.
Please indicate your approximate yearly household income before taxes. (Include total income of all adults living in your household.)
What was the last grade you completed in school?
Please indicate the number of children in your household under the age of 18.
Including yourself, how many persons are in your household?
What is your current work status?
What is the present occupation of the head of household?
Please write in your ZIP Code.
Thank you for your participation.