Anket şablonları Web Sitesi Anketleri Web Customer Service Evaluation Survey Template

Web Customer Service Evaluation Survey Template

Maintaining online presence requires a remarkable amount of effort to keep website visitors satisfied and customer service is an integral factor that contributes extensively towards customer satisfaction and loyalty. With the progress made in the technological mediums, customers expect real-time solutions to all the small and large problems they face with your products and services. Your company website is the first medium they approach to obtain a solution to their complaints. There is a constant increase in online sales which is an indication that there will be a need for consistent web customer service. With this sample survey template, you can gain insights about how to improve web customer service, understand customer experiences and make enhancements on the basis of the observations. This survey example can be customized according to the detail of information you require from your customers about the offered services.

How did you contact customer service?
If you called on the phone, how quickly did you get through?
If you contacted customer service by fax or email, how long did it take to get a response?
What was your reason for contacting customer service?
Overall how satisfied are you with our customer service representative?
Do you have comments or suggestions that would help us improve our customer service?

Why conduct a Web Customer Service Evaluation Survey?

  • Your website should have all the information about your products/services that a customer would expect from it including round the clock customer service. Ease of contacting customer service, the speed of customer service, satisfaction levels with customer service etc. can be understood by sending out this questionnaire.
  • For example, it has been half a year since you’ve evaluated your customer service team. Send out this survey which includes questions such as: “Overall how satisfied are you with our customer service representative?”, “What was your reason for contacting customer service?”, “If you contacted customer service by fax or email, how long did it take to get a response?” - to understand how well did your customer service executives perform and develop new strategies according to the observed scope of improvement.

Best Uses of a Web Customer Service Evaluation Survey

  • Evaluate customer service team by identifying their service providing speed and customer satisfaction levels.
  • By asking about their reason for contacting customer service team, you can understand which aspects of your product/service need to improve.
  • Analyze the number of customers reporting similar reasons for contacting customer service team so that you can generalize the problem to bring a long-term solution and significantly reduce customer complaints with a particular product or service.
  • Keep a track of the comments customers provide about customer service and consistently implement these suggestions to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.