Survey Templates Non-Profit Event Surveys Non Profit Event Exit Survey Template and Questionnaire

Non Profit Event Exit Survey Template and Questionnaire

Whenever a non-profit organization conducts an event, it is essential for the organizations to connect with its participants and ask them event exit questions to learn about their experience. Hence a non-profit event exit survey template serves its purpose by getting all the relevant information such as how did they hear about the event and their thoughts on the same before they leave.

Thank you for attending [(Event Name) Organisation Name].  We hope you and your family had a wonderful time learning together! We would appreciate you taking the time to complete our brief survey, please click on the Next button below to begin.
Email Address
Which City do you Live in?
How did you hear about the (Event Name)?  Please check all that apply
What did you think the coolest activity at the (Event Name) was this year?:
Are you planning to sign up for any new activities that you learned about at the (Event name)?
If you could tell the organizers one thing to do differently next year, what would it be?