Werknemersbeoordelingsenquêtesjablonen voor de pandemie

Voorbeeldvragenlijsten en sjablonen voor werknemersbeoordeling tijdens de pandemie

Werknemersbeoordelingsenquêtesjablonen voor de pandemie

Crisissituaties zoals COVID-19 kunnen uit het niets komen en al uw werkplek- en bedrijfsactiviteiten overhoop halen. Organisaties moeten zich aanpassen aan de situatie en blijven vooruitgaan. We hebben enkele enquêtesjablonen ontworpen die u in uw organisatie kunt gebruiken om gegevens te verzamelen en te beoordelen om eventuele zorgen van werknemers op de werkplek aan te pakken. Deze vragenlijsten zijn ontworpen door experts in de branche en hebben tot doel de oorzaken van personeelsproblemen te achterhalen en eventuele problemen en zorgen die ze kunnen hebben te verlichten. Gebruik deze online sjablonen om contact met hen op te nemen, de productiviteit op afstand te beoordelen, de gezondheid van werknemers te controleren en hun gereedheid te peilen om weer aan het werk te gaan nadat de zaken beginnen te stabiliseren.

Use work from home efficiency survey template to know how productive your employees are while telecommuting. Know if they are facing any challenges and whether they need any help with this sample questionnaire.

Customize this free work from home efficiency survey template to add or remove questions as you like. Learn more about your employees' experience while they are working remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic and find out how you can improve their experience.

Use work from home check-in survey template to know if employees in your organization connect enough with the team during the Covid-19 pandemic. Collect data on how often they communicate and if they are facing any challenges.

Customize this free work from home check in sample questionnaire to add or remove questions. Find out if your employees need any support from the leadership team.

Coronavirus has wreaked havoc globally on the workforce as well as the economy. Employees have started working from home instead of out of shared workspaces and offices. While this is the need of the hour, it has also lead to multiple challenges including operational and management challenges. The leadership check-in survey has been developed by established global leaders to help the leadership and other stakeholders get a pulse of their distributed workforces.

Use this sample survey template to understand the challenges faced by the employees, their faith in the organization, industry, and economy on the whole. Uncover challenges and problems like distractions, internet issues, collaboration, etc. that can be used to understand if the employees are aligned to organizational goals and are facing difficulties or challenges in being productive. Deploy this sample questionnaire to identify if the organization’s workforce has faith in the decision-making ability of the leaders in the times of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Use the check-in sample survey as-is or expand on it using our vast survey questions bank to identify the challenges that your organization’s leaders and management would like to know.

Return to work survey template and sample questionnaire is designed to check up on your employees and their readiness to get back to work in view of the COVID-19 pandemic situation. This back to work pulse questionnaire looks to understand the below aspects:

- Workforce readiness to get back to work
- Staff apprehensions of coming back to the workplace in view of the coronavirus pandemic
- Employee wellbeing, both physical and mental
- Remote work support assessment
- Work from home (WFH) or telecommuting comfort