25 Gezondheidsonderzoeken: Vragen & Voorbeeld Enquêtesjablonen

Lijst met Gezondheidsonderzoek Enquêtes

Gezondheidsonderzoeken kunnen een breed scala aan onderwerpen bestrijken, waaronder toegang tot zorg, kwaliteit van zorg, patiëntervaring, prestaties van zorgverleners, gezondheidsresultaten en zorgkosten. Deze onderzoeken zijn onderzoeksprocessen die worden gebruikt om informatie en feedback te verzamelen over verschillende aspecten van het gezondheidssysteem. U kunt deze onderzoeken gebruiken om gegevens te verzamelen van patiënten, zorgverleners en andere belanghebbenden in de gezondheidssector.

Wat zijn Gezondheidsonderzoeken?

Gezondheidsonderzoeken zijn onderzoeksinstrumenten die zijn ontworpen om gegevens en feedback te verzamelen over verschillende aspecten van het gezondheidssysteem. De verzamelde gegevens via gezondheidsonderzoeken kunnen worden geanalyseerd om inzichten te genereren en gezondheidsbeleid en -praktijken te informeren.

Voordelen van Gezondheidsonderzoek Sjablonen

Gezondheidsonderzoek sjablonen bieden een gestandaardiseerd kader voor het verzamelen van feedback en gegevens van patiënten, zorgverleners en andere belanghebbenden in de gezondheidssector. Ze bieden verschillende voordelen, waaronder:

  • Tijdbesparing: Gezondheidsonderzoek sjablonen besparen tijd door vooraf ontworpen vragen en antwoordopties te bieden, waardoor onderzoekers geen enquête vanaf nul hoeven te maken.

Gezondheidsonderzoek Sjablonen

Onze gezondheidsonderzoeken en de bijbehorende enquêtesjablonen zijn gemaakt door uitgebreide samenwerking tussen medische professionals en onderzoeksexperts. Dit maakt deze gezondheidsonderzoeksformulieren uitgebreid accuraat vanuit medisch oogpunt en is gericht op het vastleggen van hoogwaardige enquêteresultaten vanuit een onderzoeksperspectief.

The Medical Examination Services Survey collects feedback on a patients' overall experience with their current medical services provider. Additionally, it collects data on what would they consider important in any medical examination services provider. The sample template has questions on the staff members involved, speed, efficiency, cleanliness, and comfort of the facility.

Use the survey results to improve your services and formulate a business strategy. This free survey template is ready to be used in your research. You can also customize it as per your needs.

Healthcare Opinion Survey Template offers hospital and healthcare organization questions to evaluate the quality, affordability levels, availability, and preferences of customers. You can customize this sample survey questionnaire on the healthcare opinion of patients based on your needs.

The questionnaire typically includes a series of questions that aim to gather feedback about different aspects of the healthcare experience, such as the quality of care provided, communication with healthcare providers, accessibility of services, and overall satisfaction with the healthcare experience.

Physician Practices Survey Template offers questions for evaluation of hospital and the services provided. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about hospitals and their services. Some of the question examples of this questionnaire are "What is your medical specialty", "When a patient needs hospital care, who selects the hospital or other care facility?" et al.

Healthcare Well-being Survey Template offers questions about the health and well-being of patients who are 55 years and older. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about elderly patients. Some of the question examples of this questionnaire are "Overall, how would you rate the local hospitals in your area?", "What about the amount of social support you receive from your family, friends, etc?", "When you have the need to talk to someone or go on outings with friends and/or relatives, do you feel there is someone who fulfills these needs?" et al.

Women's Health Care Survey Template offers questions about preferences of a physician, physician evaluation, and service offering evaluation. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about the women's health care. Some of the question examples of this questionnaire are "Do you personally have a private physician?", "Where is your personal physician located?", "Do you visit the same physician for most of your personal medical needs?", et al.

Dental Care Survey Template includes questions about the time between visits, evaluation of the visits, importance of factors in choosing a dentist, and notification preference. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about dental care and dentists. Some of the question examples of this questionnaire are "Do you presently have a dentist that you visit on a regular basis?", "How did you find your dentist?", "The most common reason for not going to the dentist is" et al.

Employee Concern for Patients Survey Template includes questions about staff tracking and areas for improvement. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about the employee concerns for patients. Some of the question examples of this questionnaire are "In your opinion, how have patient satisfaction ratings changed at your organization over the past year?", "Does your organization have managers/staff dedicated to patient-satisfaction matters?" et al.

Obamacare Survey Template offers questions that provide insights into the quality of healthcare services. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about Obamacare healthcare services. Some of the question examples of this questionnaire are "Which political party are you affiliated with?", demographic questions such as "Which of the following group of race do you fit best?", "What is your family income?" et al.

Trumpcare Survey Template offers questions that provide insights into the quality of healthcare services. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about Trumpcare healthcare services. Some of the question examples of this questionnaire are "Which political party are you affiliated with?", demographic questions such as "Which of the following group of race do you fit best?", "What is your family income?" et al.

Sexually Transmitted Disease Survey Template offers questions and examples about sexually transmitted Infections. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about the sexually transmitted infections. Some of the examples of this questionnaire are "Have you ever been tested for an STD before?", "Are you sexually active?" et al.

Health Insurance Coverage Survey Template offers questions and examples on the quality of a respondent's current healthcare provider. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about the health insurance coverage. Some of the question examples of this questionnaire are demographical such as "What is your age?", "What is your family's annual income?" or "What is your marital status?" et al.

Health Insurance Satisfaction Survey Template offers questions and examples on the quality of a patient's current healthcare provider. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about the health insurance. Some of the question examples of this questionnaire are demographical such as "What is your age?", "What is your family's annual income?" or "What is your marital status?" et al.

This patient satisfaction survey questions template is a sample questionnaire that offers example questions for measuring patient satisfaction from hospitals, clinics, medical institutions, or individual professionals. Researchers can use this ready-made, mobile-friendly sample survey to collect and analyze patient feedback and get insights in real-time.

Our sample clinic patient satisfaction questions provide valuable feedback to healthcare providers. Use this free questionnaire to identify improvement areas and increase their health services' effectiveness. You can also customize our patient feedback survey template as per your needs.

Veterinarian Survey Template offers sample questions and examples for a veterinarian's office such as quality of care, costs, and the likelihood of visiting again. This sample can be edited by the survey maker according to the required details about the veterinary care. Some of the question examples of this questionnaire are "What is the name of your pet?", "What is the species of your pet?", " How did you learn about our hospital?" et al.

The sleep deprivation survey is a questionnaire designed to collect feedback from a student respondent about their sleep habits and the situations in which they feel sleepy. This sample survey template also collects data on other parameters like GPA to understand from each student, the causes of sleepiness and collect feedback on the aspects that can be introduced to reduce the negative effects of sleep deprivation. This in-depth survey consists of various survey questions that profiles a student that is part of a clinical site and the reasons that cause sleeplessness as well as the circumstances under which they feel sleepy.

Learn more about the oral healthcare habits of your patients before your appointment and save time. Use this free oral healthcare survey template to know how health-conscious are they when it comes to teeth, gums, and overall oral care.

Use this sample dental and oral healthcare awareness questionnaire to know how people take care of their dental hygiene.

Based on the responses, oral health centers can understand current oral problems faced by people and what should be done to promote better oral hygiene.

The clinical supervision survey is created to survey doctoral internship sites such as APA, COAMFTE and other such accredited programs. This in-depth survey template was created by industry leaders that have a holistic knowledge and understanding of doctoral internship programs. This survey has multiple questions that help collect demographic information about how the supervisor and supervisee for programs like clinical psychology, counseling psychology, rehab psychology, school psychology and family & marriage therapy. You can also use these survey questions to collect in-depth feedback about the supervision methods of a supervisor and the most effective steps and methods of developing an effective clinical supervision program.

The primary trauma survey is a survey template that is used in the initial assessment and the management of a trauma patient that enters a medical facility or a hospital. This survey template is created by trauma experts and can be used by a patient to fill in identifying information that can help medical personnel identify and treat potential life threatening injuries. This survey is based on the concepts of ABCDE, that is; airways, breathing, circulation, disability and exposure. With multiple survey questions that aid medical professionals to adjudge primary trauma and the course of treatment, this survey is a must-have for every hospital and medical facility that can be tweaked towards the nature of the trauma.

The secondary trauma survey is an in-depth survey template that is used to identify presence of other significant but not immediately life-threatening or other injuries that were missed in the primary trauma survey. This survey template involves a more thorough and in-depth head-to-toe examination to check for the presence of injuries that will aid towards the treatment process. Medical professionals can use these survey questions to fill in identifying patient information as well as use the AMPLE acronym to collect pertinent information about the trauma that the patient has suffered.

Fitness class survey questions is a questionnaire to understand the perception of the individuals who are attending the Pilates and Turbo kicks classes. This survey aims to identify the overall quality and utility of these classes.

In today’s world, with so much work stress and unhealthy food habits, staying fit is getting more and more difficult. There are a number of people who opt for gyms, and fitness classes but end up not going to them or quitting. There are various reasons why this happens. In order to find out the reasoning behind an individual opting out of these classes, a fitness class survey can be conducted. Such a survey questionnaire will enable the fitness institute to gather data about what the customers feel about the quality of their workouts and what results do the customers expect if they were to continue.

Following are the questions to gather customer opinion about the quality and utility of the fitness classes:

Use the contactless health-screen survey template to know if your employees, visitors, and vendors are healthy and safe to visit the office premises. Know if they are free from COVID-19 symptoms and take actions early to secure their and co-workers' health.

This free contactless health-screen questionnaire is a ready-to-use resource for convention centers and essential services providers. You can always customize this as per your requirements.

Let your staff and visitors know if they are fit enough before they come to the workplace. Frame processes if they experience any unusual symptoms to take action early on.

Use a free contactless health check survey template for patients that are hesitant to visit a clinic or hospital. This sample questionnaire collects patient details, medical history, and lifestyle data to help doctors know more about the patient's condition.

Healthcare organizations can use the contactless health check survey to save time and offer more face time to patients. This questionnaire also helps overcome the fear of COVID-19 infection. It is ready to be used for any health check, however you can also customize as per your needs.

Use the contactless health-screening survey template for airlines to know if the passengers are healthy and safe to travel. Know if they are free from COVID-19 symptoms and take actions early to secure your staff's and co-passengers' health.

This free contactless health-screening questionnaire is a ready-to-use resource and can be customized as per your requirements. Let your staff and passengers know if they are fit enough before they board the flight. Collect their contact details and travel history to ensure timely action.

Use the contactless health-screening survey template for an expo to know if your visitors and attendees are healthy and safe to visit the venue. Know if they are free from COVID-19 symptoms to be allowed entry at an expo, conference, meeting, or other offline events.

This free contactless health-screening questionnaire is a ready-to-use resource for event organizers, designed particularly for the coronavirus pandemic. You can always customize this template as per your needs.


QuestionPro is een toonaangevend enquêteplatform dat gezondheidsonderzoek sjablonen biedt die zijn ontworpen om te voldoen aan de specifieke behoeften van gezondheidsorganisaties. Deze sjablonen beslaan een scala aan gezondheidsonderwerpen en u kunt ze aanpassen aan de unieke behoeften van elke gezondheidsorganisatie.