Survey Templates Surveys Online Education Perception

Online Education Perception

Online Education Perception

What industry do you work in?
What is your age range?
What is your gender?
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
I am involved in the hiring process in my company.
I have Excellent Computer Skills
I have the computer skills necessary to participate in an online course.
What is the likelihood of completing a traditional degree program?
What is the likelihood of completing an online degree program?
Level of convenience associated with a traditional degree program.
To what degree do you learn from reading and independent study?
To what degree do you learn by doing in an interactive environment.
To what degree will earning a degree from a traditional program help to advance your career or increase your compensation?
To what degree will earning a degree online help to advance your career or increase your compensation?
What level of academic rigor do you associate with earning a traditional degree?
What level of academic rigor do you associate with earning an online degree?
How much student/student interaction takes place in a traditional degree program?.
How much student/student interaction takes place in an online degree program?
How important is student/student interaction to the overall educational process?
How much student/professor interaction takes place in a traditional degree program?
How much student/professor interaction takes place in a traditional degree program?
How important is student/professor interaction to the overall educational process?
How well will a class of statistics students taught in a traditional classroom setting perform on a standard statistics test?
How well will a class of statistics students taught online perform on the same statistics test?
To what degree are student’s expectations of a course in a traditional program met or exceeded?
To what degree are student’s expectations of a course in an online program met or exceeded?
When enrolling in a degree program, how important is the schools reputation?
I have earned a degree from a traditional program.
I have earned a degree from an online program.
I would consider earning a degree from an online program
I have interviewed someone with a traditional degree traditional degree.
I have recommened hiring someone with a traditional degree.
I have interviewed someone with an online degree?
I have recommended hiring someone with an online degree.
My company provides tuition reimbursement for traditional degree programs.
My company provides tuition reimbursement for online degree programs.
My company uses an online programming as part of their in-house training program.
1 Strongly Agree
5 Strongly Disagree
My company uses an online program as a part of their in-house training program.

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