Survey Templates Surveys Investigating Determinants of User Involvement dur

Investigating Determinants of User Involvement dur

Investigating Determinants of User Involvement during Software Project Development

Dear Participant

I am a doctoral student at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta with specialization in Management Information Systems. I am carrying out a study on the determinants of user involvement during software development projects. Specifically, I am exploring the factors that drive user participation behavior during software development. The final objective is to come up with a model that is able to explain contribution of user participation in successful completion of software development project.

For the purpose as stated above, this survey questionnaire has been developed. It is divided into three sections. The first section deals with demographic information. The second section contains questions about users experience during a software development project. The third section attempts to collect your overall opinion about user participation.

This survey is targeted at people who have participated as business users (e.g. as clients / customers / user representatives / equivalent) in a software development project. The participation may have been for providing inputs/suggestions/feedback to the software development team, for checking the project status, or because of general curiosity.

So if you have participated during development of any software project, this survey is for you!
Please allow us some of your precious time and kindly fill up the questionnaire which will take approximately 15 minutes. Your response and participation are very important for the successful completion of this research endeavor.

If you are interested in the results of our study, please leave your name and email at the top of the questionnaire. We will ensure full confidentiality of the information that you provide to us in the survey. If you have any questions please feel free to mail at [email protected]

Thanking you in advance!

Best Regards
Rahul Thakurta
Demographic Information
Instructions for Questions A and B: If you are interested in the results of our study please do provide us with your name and email address. Otherwise you can leave these 2 questions blank if you wish
A. Your Full Name (First Middle Last):
B. Your Email Address:
C. Your Age (in years):
D. Your Gender:
E. Your Nationality:
Experience Specific Information:
Please answer the following questions based on your experience with the most recent software project in which you participated while the project was still going on. The purpose of your participation could have been for providing inputs/suggestions/checking the project progress/general curiosity
Project Specific Information
A. I am interested in knowing about the organization in which you worked / are currently working while you were part of the software development project. Please select the option which describes the primary sector this organization belonged to:
B. What was the type of application that was developed in this software project?
C. How many years of prior usage experience did you have as user of similar type of applications (input 0 if you don't have any experience)?
D. How much familiar do you consider yourself with the domain (field of application) of the project?
E. Were there any specific roles that you have served in this project?
F. How much satisfied are you with the product/service that came out at the completion of the project?
   (Leave this question if the project is still going on / has been cancelled / postponed / ...)
Related to Project Involvement
A. Roughly to what extent did you participate in the project?
B. The role that I served in this project / job related commitments / pressure from our top management or software development organization mostly led to my participation in this project
C. My participation in the project increased my dedication (like assisting the project team apart from the routine assignments, etc) to the project
D. My participation in the project enhanced the quality of the input/suggestions/feedback that I could provide to the software development organization
E. With participation in the project, I developed a psychological bend towards the project
F. In general, I believe that if users participate more, they become more involved with the project
Related to Intention towards Participation
A. I plan on communicating with the software project development team while the project is going on
B. My intention is to be part of the key user representatives who participate in software development projects (i.e. projects that implement a software)
C. I generally intend to participate during software project development
Related to Perceived Ease of Participation
A. My selection as the participant in the software development project was easy
B. I believe that my interaction with the software development organization would be smooth and well defined
C. Overall, I believe that participating in the software development project is easy for me
Related to Project Importance
A. I believe that the relevance of the product/service rendered by the software development project to its users is high
B. If the project would have been unsuccessful, I believe that the loss incurred (could be monetary in terms of revenue, or non monetary like loss of reputation, brand image, etc) by the software development organization would have been high
C. In general, if any project fulfills my requirements (could be monetary or non monetary), I consider the project to be important
Related to Interest towards Participation
A. I was eager to participate in the software development project
B. I take pleasure in participating in software development projects
C. In general, I am interested in participating in software development projects
On Process Clarity
A. I was aware of the major milestones and deliverables of this software development project
B. The project processes that concerned the users were transparent
C. The major metrics used in this project were well defined and understandable
Related to My Accessibility to the Project
A. I was easily approachable from the software development organization with respect to project functionalities like queries, meetings, reviews, approvals
B. Whenever members of the software development organization requested appointment from me, I could generally provide them that
C. The average response delay on project tasks from my side with respect to input/feedback to the software development organization was:
On Nature of Software Process
A. The more process intensive (i.e. requiring project specific competency) the project development stage is, the easier is for the users to participate and provide input to the project development team
B. Systems which are inherently technical like satellite control systems facilitate user participation
Related to Perceived Project Benefits
A. I believe that the product/service rendered by the software development project would enable the users to save cost, or would provide them with necessary assistance
B. Overall, I believe that the product/service rendered by the software development project would be useful to its users
Related to Project Outcome Visibility
A. During execution of the software development project, as the project deliverables (like documents, prototypes, part of the system, etc) were made available, I could assess the expected completion date of the project
B. During execution of the software development project, as the project deliverables were made available, the functionality of the final system became clear
On Project Complexity
A. From the managerial perspective (comprising of all business and organizational aspects of the project like project staffing and management, number of stakeholders involved, change related issues, stability and complexity of requirements, time/cost issues, etc), how much do you think was the complexity of the project
B. From the technical perspective (comprising of all technical aspects of the project such as number of technologies involved, familiarity of team with technologies, size of the application, difficulty level of code, project development and implementation platform, number of technical interfaces and external dependencies, etc), how much do you think was the complexity of the project
On Project Uncertainty
A. How much do you think was the level of uncertainty governing users and the stakeholders in the project (related to top management support, user cooperation, commitment, attitude towards change, conflict, etc)
B. How much do you think was the level of uncertainty associated with the inability of project manager of software development organization to judge the project’s scope (It also includes the risks associated with project’s required functionalities)
C. How much do you think was the level of uncertainty associated with the execution of the project (related to inadequate project staffing, inappropriate development methodology, failure to define roles and responsibilities, and poor project planning and control, etc)
D. How much do you think was the environmental uncertainty associated with the project (like changes in organizational environment, external party dependencies, corporate politics, etc)
Concluding Questions:
A. What is your level of confidence in the inputs you supplied for this survey?
B. Do you have any comments about any of the questions, the survey, or the area of study?

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