Survey Templates Surveys Goal Auzeen's Master's Thesis Research

Goal Auzeen's Master's Thesis Research

Goal Auzeen's Master's Thesis Research

Dear Iranian Participant,

I am a graduate student at the University of Notre Dame in my second year of study. I am currently recruiting participants for my Master’s Thesis project and wish to extend to you an invitation to participate.

As a second-generation Iranian, I have much respect for my culture of origin and the amazing accomplishments of our ancestors and fellow Iranians in the United States and abroad. While as a nationality we have much to be proud of, it is commonly unknown that mental health is an issue of concern for Iranians in the U.S. It is clear that Iranians have been left out of mental health research and there is a need to address this concern.

To begin this process, I am interested in finding out your opinions on researchers, Iranian culture, and social attitudes. Your participation would be invaluable and help your fellow Iranians in the United States. Please consider taking 20 minutes to provide your thoughts. All information will be confidential, and you will not be contacted ever again for more information.

For your convenience, I have provided an outline of what the survey entails.

* Informed Consent
* Iranian Identity Survey-26 questions
* Opinions on Mental Health Researchers-11 questions
* Social Interaction Questionnaire-31 questions
* Attitudes Toward Mental Health-24 questions

I have tried to keep this survey as brief as possible- yet the nature of a thesis is to be thorough and comprehensive. I appreciate your time and contribution to furthering our knowledge of Iranian mental health. If you would like a copy of the results, please send me a separate email at [email protected] and I will make them available upon the study’s completion.


You are invited to participate in a study on mental health opinions. The study is being sponsored by the University of Notre Dame. Through this study, I hope to learn about Iranian’s attitudes about and preferences with respect to psychological research. You were selected as a possible participant in this study because of your connection to the United States Iranian population.

If you decide to participate, you will be asked to fill out one online survey. You will never be contacted for additional information. The study should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. By participating in the study, you will be providing us with integral information that can allow researchers and clinicians in learning how best to work with Iranians in the U.S.

In participating, we do not anticipate you will encounter any risks, as the nature of this study is purely opinions-based and should not cause any discomfort. There will also be no immediate benefits to participation, other than advancing scientific knowledge.

Information that is obtained from you in connection with this study will remain confidential.

This study will be conducted online to ensure maximum privacy and security of your answers. At no point will your email address be connected with any of the information you provide.

Your decision whether or not to participate will not prejudice your future relations with the

University of Notre Dame. If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw your

consent and to discontinue participation at any time without penalty.

If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. You may contact me at the number or e-mail address given on this sheet.


Instructions: Use the scale below to indicate the extent to which you agree with each statement as it applies to you.

1 = Strongly Disagree

2 = Moderately Disagree

3 = Mildly Disagree

4 = Neither Agree or Disagree

5 = Mildly Agree

6 = Moderately Agree

7 = Strongly Agree
1. I am more affected when someone criticizes me in public than when someone criticizes me in private.
2. During a discussion, I try not to ask questions because I may appear ignorant to others.
3. I maintain a low profile because I do not want to make mistakes in front of other people.
4. Before I make comments in the presence of other people, I qualify my remarks.
5. I downplay my abilities and achievements so that others do not have unrealistically high expectations of me.
6. I carefully plan what I am going to say or do to minimize mistakes.
7. I say I may be in error before commenting on something.
8. When I meet other people, I am concerned about their expectations of me.
9. I hesitate asking for help because I think my request will be an inconvenience to others.
10. I try not to do things that call attention to myself.
11. I do not criticize others because this may embarrass them.
12. I carefully watch others' actions before I do anything.
13. I will not complain publicly even when I have been treated unfairly.
14. I try to act like others to be consistent with social norms.
15. Before I do anything in public, I prepare myself for any possible consequence.
16. I prefer to use a third party to help resolve our differences between another person and me.
17. When discussing a problem, I make an effort to let the person know that I am not blaming him or her.
18. When someone criticizes me, I try to avoid that person.
19. When I make a mistake in front of others, I try to prevent them from noticing it.
20. Even when I know another person is at fault, I am careful not to criticize that person.
21. When someone embarrasses me, I try to forget it.
The term professional refers to individuals who have been trained to deal with mental health problems (e.g., psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and family physicians). The term psychological problems refers to reasons one might visit a professional. Similar terms include mental health concerns, emotional problems, mental troubles, and personal difficulties.

For each item, indicate whether you disagree (0), somewhat disagree (1), are undecided (2), somewhat agree (3), or agree (4)
1. There are certain problems which should not be discussed outside of one’s immediate family.
2. I would have a very good idea of what to do and who to talk to if I decided to seek professional help for psychological problems.
3. I would not want my significant other (spouse, partner, etc.) to know if I were suffering from psychological problems.
4. Keeping one’s mind on a job is a good solution for avoiding personal worries and concerns.
5. If good friends asked my advice about a psychological problem, I might recommend that they see a professional.
6. Having been mentally ill carries with it a burden of shame.
7. It is probably best not to know everything about oneself.
8. If I were experiencing a serious psychological problem at this point in my life, I would be confident that I could find relief in psychotherapy.
9. People should work out their own problems; getting professional help should be a last resort
10. If I were to experience psychological problems, I could get professional help if I wanted to.
11. Important people in my life would think less of me if they were to find out that I was experiencing psychological problems.
12. Psychological problems, like many things, tend to work out by themselves
13. It would be relatively easy for me to find the time to see a professional for psychological problems
14. There are experiences in my life I would not discuss with anyone
15. I would want to get professional help if I were worried or upset for a long period of time
16. I would be uncomfortable seeking professional help for psychological problems because people in my social or business circles might find out about it.
17. Having been diagnosed with a mental disorder is a blot on a person’s life.
18. There is something admirable in the attitude of people who are willing to cope with their conflicts and fears without resorting to professional help.
19. If I believed I were having a mental breakdown, my first inclination would be to get professional attention.
20. I would feel uneasy going to a professional because of what some people would think.
21. People with strong characters can get over psychological problems by themselves and would have little need for professional help.
22. I would willingly confide intimate matters to an appropriate person if I thought it might help me or a member of my family.
23. Had I received treatment for psychological problems, I would not feel that it ought to be “covered up.”
24. I would be embarrassed if my neighbor saw me going into the office of a professional who deals with psychological problems.

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