Survey Templates Surveys Sustainability


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Thank you very much for participating in this study. The results of this survey will contribute to a study of the competitive advantage of sustainable companies as part of my dissertation for a Master of Business Administration from the European University of Brussels.

It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Olivia Zechner at the email address specified below.

1.How old are you?
2.What country do you reside in?
3.In 1987, the Brundthland Report defined Sustainability as “ … development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” How familiar are you with the term sustainability?
4.What is the size of the company you work for?
5.Does your company have a coherent strategy for corporate sustainability that covers the whole business and its supply chain?
6.If you have or are developing a strategy for corporate sustainability, how important is it to your company that this strategy meets the following objectives? (1 = Critically Important, 3 = Moderately Important, 5 = Not Important)
Don't know
Increasing revenues
Enhancing brand reputation
Compliance with regulatory and legal obligations
Generating value for shareholders/investors
Reducing costs
Managing risks associated with sustainability issues
Attracting/retaining customers concerned about environmental or social issues
Differentiating products
7.Does your company formally report on its social and environmental impact and performance, additionally to its financial performance (known as Triple Bottom Line Reporting)?
8.Are you involved in decision making when it comes to the overall strategy and future development of the company?
9.How much priority will the following objectives be within your company over the next five years? (1 = Leading Priority, 5 = Not a Priority)
Communicating your organization’s performance on sustainability to investors and stakeholders
Improving the environmental footprint of existing products/services (eg, use of recycled materials, reducing packaging and waste)
Developing new products that help reduce or prevent social or environmental problems
Improving energy efficiency of operations
Enhance the impact of the organization on the community
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and/or waste
Implementing stronger controls over suppliers on human rights standards
Implementing stronger controls over suppliers on environmental standards
10.If the company you work for would provide you with free public transport, would you consider leaving the car in the garage?
11.How would you rate your personal sustainable behavior? (1 = Always, 3 = Sometimes, 5 = Never)
Switch off lights whenever leaving a room
Only use washing machine when load is full
Use paper recycling bins next to the photocopier
Reading documents on screen rather than printing them out
Buy low energy lightbulbs
Buying products containing recycled material
Take part in a recycling program
Printing of photocopying double-sided
Investing in socially responsible companies
Add insulation or double glazing to house or windows
Buying organic food or clothing made from organic materials
Use public transportation rather than drive car
Walk or ride bicycle rather than drive car
12.Would you buy a products which you knew involved child labor to produce it?
13.Would you as a customer agree with the new government legislation enforcing everyone to pay for their shopping bags.
14.In your personal opinion, what are the 3 most pressing issues that your country needs to address to ensure the long-term well-being of ourselves and our community?
15.In your personal opinion, what should companies base their overall objectives on?
16.If You had USD 10.000 to invest in new shares today. Which investment would you choose?
17.How important do you rate the following factors when buying shares? (1 = Critically Important, 3 = Moderately Important, 5 = Not Important)
Financial forecasts
Sustainability index such as Dow Jones S I
Company reputation
Products/Services the company produces
Personal preferences
Media reports
18.When purchasing a product and being faced with numerous brands of equal quality, would a brand that was labeled “environmentally friendly” sway you to purchase that product over the rest?
19.How important would you rate the following (1 = Critically Important, 3 = Moderately Important, 5 = Not Important)
Companies have a strategy on how to manage corporate social responsibility
Companies have a strategy on how to become environmentally sustainable
Companies educate staff about efficient use of energy
Companies communicate their strategy and goals clearly to employees
20.How do you see globalization evolving over the next 10 years?
Please notify me when the final outcome of this research is published. Email address (optional):

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