Survey Templates Surveys faithbasedprogrampractices



Informed Consent Notice

My name is Joyce Myers and I am a graduate student in the Teacher Education and Administration Department at the University of North Texas. I am conducting an online study about program practices to promote the spiritual development of young children in faith-based preschools.
If you agree to take part in this study, you will be asked complete a questionnaire about the practices in your preschool regarding the spiritual development of young children. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. This study is not expected to be of any direct benefit to you. However, your responses may help us learn more about how to support directors and teachers in the spiritual development programs of faith-based preschools.
Participation in this study is completely voluntary. You have the right to skip any question you choose not to answer. There are no foreseeable risks involved in this study; however, if you decide to withdraw your participation you may do so at any time by simply leaving the web site.

Your name will not be requested in this study so your responses will be anonymous. All research records will be kept confidential by the Principal Investigator. No individual responses will be disclosed to anyone because all data will be reported on a group basis. If you have any questions about the study, please contact Joyce Myers at telephone number 972-523-0892 or the faculty advisor, Dr. Morrison, UNT Department of Teacher Education and Administration, at telephone number 940-565-4476.

This research project has been reviewed and approved by the UNT Institutional Review Board. Please contact the UNT IRB at 940-565-3940 with any questions regarding your rights as a research subject.

If you agree to participate, you may print this document for your records.

By clicking below, you are confirming that you are at least 18 years old and you are giving your informed consent to participate in this study.
Spiritual development is a part of child development.
In the preschool program where I teach, teachers find opportunities for young children to help others, such as making cards for someone who is ill.
It is important to set goals for preschoolers’ spiritual development
I emphasize Bible truths when I teach literacy and math.
Spiritual development takes place as a part of religious education
Preschool children, ages 3, 4, and 5 should learn to repeat prayers such as the Lord’s prayer.
Teaching character traits is a part of promoting spiritual development
Preschool children should take part in projects to help others such as collecting food items for the needy
My relationship with preschoolers affects their spiritual development
In the preschool program where I teach,
teaching Bible stories is a part of the curriculum.
I apply truths from the Bible in my daily conversation with preschool children
The faith-based preschool where I teach places a high value on the spiritual development of children.
In my classroom I talk about Bible truths in my teaching of all content areas.
Memorizing Bible verses is a part of my preschool curriculum
In my classroom preschoolers pray on a daily basis.
In my classroom Bible verses are posted in the learning centers.
The mission statement of my preschool program includes a statement about spiritual development.
Preschoolers in my school participate in a service or humanitarian project to help others such as Operation Christmas Child
Worship opportunities are a part of my preschool program
I set goals for the spiritual development of the children in my classroom.
Preschool children in my classroom can identify the Bible as a book that tells about God and Jesus.
In my school preschoolers study character traits.
I teach about Bible truths and Bible verses as I teach science in my classroom.
I model the teachings of the Bible about relationships in my relationship with preschoolers.
I work with parents to help them understand how to promote spiritual development of preschoolers.
I receive training in understanding and promoting the spiritual development of preschool children
Teachings from the Bible are a part of all that I teach in the preschool classroom.
In my school preschoolers learn about the Bible through music
The curriculum of my preschool states objectives for spiritual development.
In my classroom preschoolers have an opportunity to state their prayer requests.
Spiritual development includes more than learning Bible stories
I use teachings from the Bible as a part of guidance in my preschool classroom.
The beliefs of my sponsoring religious organization are the foundation for the preschool program where I teach.
Parents of children in my preschool program receive training about the spiritual development of preschoolers.
The spiritual development program in my preschool consists of teaching Bible stories.
In my classroom there are quiet moments for children to reflect on God and Jesus.
My preschool program celebrates religious holidays such as Christmas and Easter.
I talk to parents of the children in my classroom about the spiritual growth of their children.
When I write lesson plans, I intentionally write objectives for spiritual development.
The mission statements and goals of the preschool program include spiritual development.
Preschoolers in my class help plan service projects that will help others.
My relationship with parents is important to children’s spiritual growth.
Preschool children in my class grow spiritually because they participate in helping others in the community.
Parents of children in my class express interest in their children’s spiritual development.
In my class preschool children have an opportunity to express how God answered their prayers
I model virtues such as gratitude, gentleness, compassion, and patience in my classroom.
What is your gender?
How do you describe yourself?
What is your highest education level?
If you have a post-secondary degree, what was your major/minor?
How many years have you been an early childhood educator?
Approximately how many hours of training have you received on the topic of spiritual development in young children?
What age level are you currently teaching?
In what type of preschool are you currently employed?
What is your denominational affiliation?

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