Survey Templates Surveys Team time management

Team time management

Team time management

Dear sir/madam,

Thank you for participating in my research about project team effectiveness and team time management by filling in this survey. It will take approximatelly 20 minutes of your time.

The questions are subdivided in the following subjects:
1. Open questions regarding personal and team information.
2. Likert scale questions regarding the way you allocate your time at work.
3. Likert scale questions regarding team processes.
4. Likert scale questions about the utilization of time management on team level.

The personal and team questions are posed with the aim to identify the team structure, so who is part of which team and by whom is it managed. This is important for the research, because diversity measurements within the team will be conducted on certain variables. Within this survey, we refer to teams on the lowest level. Often, this team is guided by the same manager or consultant. With these team members you collaborate on a daily to weekly basis. In this survey we perceive the leading manager/consultant as part of the team. If you are the manager of a team, please refer to your team as the team you are managing.

Notice that the information obtained from the surveys will be treated as confidential and shall not be used or released for other purposes.

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Questions considering personal and team information. (1/1)
please enter your name (first name and surname):
Please enter you emailadress (required if you want to participate in the raffle of the S.R. Covey books):
Please select your gender:
Please select your level at Accenture:
Please select your department:
Please enter the name of the customer you are working for:
Please enter the project name:
Of how many team members does your team exist? Remember that with " your team" is meant the individuals that are placed under the same manager/team leader as you are at the lowest level, and the manager/team leader himself. If you are the manager/team leader yourself, please enter the size of the team you are leading, including yourself.
Please fill in the name of your manager/team leader (first name and surname). This is important to know because, during data analysis, I have to be able to distinguish between teams. If you are the manager yourself, please enter "manager".
Please select the role of the manager/team leader:
In how many projects are you involved at this moment?
On a scale of 1 to 5, how do you perceive the level of time pressure in your project at this moment (1 is low, 5 is high)?
Questions considering the allocation of time at work. (1/2)
How much do you agree with the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I start projects right away and finish the work long before the deadline.
I work steadily on tasks, spreading my work out evenly over time.
The effort I put into projects is high at the start, low halfway through and high again at the end.
I work harder at the beginning of a project than at the end.
I space out my work evenly over time.
I invest most of my effort toward the beginning and end of projects.
I do not get much done on projects until the due date is close.
I pace myself to work on projects a little bit everyday of every week instead of doing several hours of work all at once.
I do the least amount of work halfway through the allotted time for projects.
I generally do not work until there is time pressure from an approaching deadline.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I work in a slow, but steady manner to complete tasks.
I do quite a bit of work at the start of tasks so that I can relax towards the end.
I put in more effort towards the end of projects than at the beginning
I do most of the work on tasks in a short time before the deadline.
I turn my work in early and avoid being late.
I put in more effort at the beginning of tasks as well as right before the deadline, but am less active during the middle of the work cycle.
Please click on the links below and select how well your working pace fits the figure.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
How much do you agree with the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I find myself hurrying to get to places even when there is plenty of time.
I often work slowly and leisurely (=kalm).
People that know me well agree that I tend to do most things in a hurry.
I tend to be quick and energetic at work.
I often feel very pressed for time.
My spouse (=echtgenoot/echtgenote) or a close friend would rate me as definitely relaxed and easy going.
Question considering the allocation of time at work. (2/2)
How much do you agree with the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I prefer to do one thing at a time.
I like to juggle several activities at the same time.
I would rather complete an entire project every day than complete parts of several projects.
I believe people should try to do many things at once.
When I work by myself, I usually work on one project at a time.
How much do you agree with the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I feel that staying on schedule is important in this project.
I do not pay much attention to schedules that are set for this project.
I do things when I am ready; I set no schedules for my work.
I don’t think much about how to use my time.
In my team, we have the same opinions about meeting deadlines.
In my team, we have similar thoughts about the best way to use our time.
In my team, we agree on how to allocate the time available.
In my team, we have similar ideas about the time it takes to perform certain tasks.
Questions considering team processes. (1/2)
How much do you agree with the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
In my team, members collaborate as a real team.
In my team, members know that they can build on each other.
In my team, members support each other.
In my team, members regard each other as friends.
In my team, members are always willing to help.
How much do you agree with the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
In my team, members openly communicate with each other.
In my team. a lot of communication exists.
In my team, members are very helpful.
In my team, members collaborate to a great extent.
How much do you agree with the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
The members of my team work effectively.
Our tasks are well coordinated.
Our project is running smoothly.
My team experiences delays in the flow of work between members.
Questions considering team processes. (2/2)
Please, answer the following questions about the extent of personal conflicts within your team. Personal conflicts are disagreements about, for example, political preferences, or character collisions. Personal conflicts do not include conflicts about work. How often do the following things occur?
How much relationship tension is there in your team?
How often do people get angry while working in your team?
How much emotional conflict is there in your team?
Please answer the following questions about the extent of discussion about tasks (different opinions about tasks) within your team. This, thus, does not include personal conflicts (like political issues or music preference). How often do the following things occur?
How much conflict of ideas is there in your team?
How frequently do you have disagreements within your team about the task of the project you are working on?
How often do people in your team have conflicting opinions about the project you are working on?
Please answer the following questions about the extent of work process related conflicts in your team. Work process conflicts are disagreements about who should do what, who is responsible for what, how work is planned most efficiently, etc. How often do the following things occur?
How often are there disagreements about who should do what in your team?
How much conflict is there in your team about task responsibilities?
How often do you disagree about resource allocation in your team?
Questions considering the utilization of team time management. (1/2)
How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
In our team people discuss ways to prevent and learn from mistakes.
We regularly take time to figure out ways to improve our work processes.
Problems and errors in our team are never communicated to the appropriate people so that corrective action can be taken.
My team handles differences of opinions privately or off-line, rather than publicly.
In my team someone always makes sure that we stop to reflect on our work processes
People in my team often speak up to test assumptions about issues under discussion.
How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
My team has confidence in itself.
My team believes it can become unusually good at producing high-quality work.
My team expects to be known as a high-performing team.
My team feels it can solve any problem it encounters.
This team believes it can be very productive.
How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
As a member in this team, I have a real say in how the team carries out the work.
Most members in this team get a chance to participate in decision making.
My team is designed to let everyone participate in decision making.
How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
The manager cleary explains to the team what the main goals are.
The manager explains the reasons for dividing tasks the way he/she does.
During startup, the manager explained the project's scope, and what role we have in it.
The team participates in setting team goals.
The team participates in setting lower-level goals for parts of the team or individuals.
When scope of the project is changed, the consequences are collaborately discussed with the team.
When goals are set and tasks are allocated, I discuss my tasks with team members I have to collaborate with intensively.
Questions considering the utilization of team time management. (2/2)
How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
My team pays considerable attention to determining how to fit tasks in with other work activities.
My team regularly reviews priorities before determining which tasks to work on next.
My team regularly reviews the priorities to check that we are making the best use of our time.
In the project, most of the time it is very clear what the priorities are.
When setting priorities, my manager explains why certain tasks have higher priority than others.
When my manager is discussing task priorities, he/she is open for discussion about this.
How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
When we have a project to undertake, the complete team is included in figuring out what steps should be taken to accomplish the project.
We plan out the specific goals that we intend to accomplish each week in a team setting.
We are familiar with the individual planning of team members that we collaborate with intensively.
The final planning for my team is developed in collaboration with the whole team.
The manager discusses the planning with the team as a whole and explains why tasks are planned as they are.
Once the manager developed the planning for the team, he is open for discussion about it.
Once the total planning is set, we often develop a more detailed planning with the team member(s) we have to collaborate with.
We are generally very conscious of how much time we allocate to various work activities and projects.
Usually deadlines or time limits are set for completing goals with people I collaborate with intensively.
When the planning is changed, the manager discusses the reason for this, and the consequences for tasks and team members with the team.
To what extent does you team:
..question the time that was used to accomplish specific tasks?
..evaluate whether time was used effectively?
..alter the way time was used in the project?
..regularly discuss whether the team is working effectively together?
..discussed how well information is communicated within the team?
In the following, questions are asked about pacing style. Pacing style is defined as and individuals' preference for the speed of work, and for how these processes are spaced out over time.
How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
Within the team, it is communicated how team members perceive the temporal constraints of the project and its tasks.
We are familiar with each other's prefered work pace.
We take each other’s temporal characteristics (work pace, work style) into account when planning our collaboration on specific tasks.
I know which team members prefer to conduct multiple tasks at the same time, and which prefer to finish one task before starting with another.
We feel that it is important to fit in – We try to match to each other’s work pace and style.
How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
We make use of collective to-do-lists that represent all our tasks for that day or week.
As a team, we check off our accomplishments for a particular day or week.
We have set ourselves so called non-disturbance hours in which we are not allowed to interrupt one another.
We look for ways to make our meetings more efficient.
Emails are not unnecessarily being spread throughout the whole team.
we have agreed that we will not necessarily respond to email throughout the whole day

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