Survey Templates Surveys Beth's MSc Dissertation - Local Community Survey o

Beth's MSc Dissertation - Local Community Survey o

Beth's MSc Dissertation - Local Community Survey on The Green Valleys Project


Thank you very much for taking the time to do this survey. My name is Elizabeth Harrison and I was brought up in Crickhowell. I have been studying at the London School of Economics and Political Science over the last four years, and am about to complete a Masters in Human Geography and Research. As part of this, I have to write a final dissertation and so I am looking at the strength of community-based initiatives in reducing carbon output with the ultimate aim of being able to provide, or at least show, recommendations for the national government to incorporate such projects in their carbon reduction targets more successfully. The Green Valleys Project is a perfect example of such a community-based initiative and being part of it, or living within it, your opinions, experiences and values are incredibly important to my research.

The Big Green Valleys Project was started in Autumn last year by Grenville Ham of Brecon and has been adopted by many communities in the area. It focuses on micro-generation instalments within some communities such as renovating and reusing old hydro electric plants, plans for biogas stations and the implementation of solar. It also works on education about climate change and ways communities and households can play a part, and on reducing each individuals carbon footprint. It is one of ten finalists for the Big Green Challenge with the chance to win £1 million for further investment.

For more information, please see

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact me Elizabeth Harrison at 07957791568 or by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support - it is absolutely invaluable. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

SECTION A - Personal Details
Contact Information (please at least specify town of residence if not whole address)
Number of people in your household
SECTION B - Climate Change Overview
Please rate your awareness of the following: (1 – no awareness, 5 – very aware)
Climate Change
Kyoto Protocol
UK Government's Carbon reduction targets
Copenhagen Conference December 2009
How are you aware of these?
How do you feel about the way the UK Government is trying to reduce national carbon dioxide emissions?
Do you have any recommendations of ways in which the government could improve their attempts?
SECTION C - Green Valleys Project Overview
Had you heard of The Green Valleys Project before this survey?
If so, in what had you heard about it?
Please give a brief description of your impressions of the Project
Are you aware of any carbon reducing initiatives occurring in your community? and if so, what?
Are you practically involved in The Green Valleys Project in any way?
If yes, how and since when? [Then please continue to SECTION D]
If no, would you like to be? [Then skip through to SECTION G]
SECTION D - Economics
Has your involvement in the project involved any:
Please elaborate on each of the ways you are involved and the costs/savings of each (e.g. concerted efforts to turn off lights and unused appliances, and the impact this has made on energy bills)
Do you plan to increase your involvement in the future?
If yes, how and why?
How do you expect this to impact on your costs/savings?
SECTION E - Environmental
Does your household partake in the monthly carbon audit as part of The Green Valleys project?
If yes, when did you start?
What patterns, if any, have there been in the carbon usage of your household since you began the audit?
What, if any, attempts has your household made to reduce your carbon footprint?
If possible, please go to and calculate your current carbon footprint and if possible, your footprint before you got involved with The Green Valleys Project. Before:
SECTION F - Social
Please specify whether your involvement in the Project has increased or decreased the following for yourself and/or your household, and give a brief explanation of how: a) Welfare?
b) Happiness?
c) Lifestyle?
d) Quality of life?
What effect do you feel it has had on community cohesion?
Do you think the Project has the potential to further these impacts as it increases in scope and success? And if so, how?
SECTION G - Conclusion
In your opinion, do you feel the project is - worthwhile?
In your opinion, do you feel the project is - successful?
How do you feel about community based initiatives in general?
Do you have any recommendations on how to encourage more community projects/initiatives/activities?
What role to do you see community initiatives such as The Green Valleys project having in the future of carbon reduction plans/policies?
How has your knowledge of/involvement in the Big Green Valleys Project changed your attitude toward: - a) the environment
b) carbon reduction
c) community based projects
d) individual action
e) central government initiatives
Has the project occurring in your local area compelled you to take more of an active role in carbon reduction?
SECTION H - Follow Up
Some of these questionnaires will be selected at random to be followed up in more depth with an interview. Would you be willing to participate should your questionnaire be selected? If yes, please ensure your address and telephone number in SECTION A are completed correctly.
Please specify if you would like a copy of the final thesis and if so ensure your address in SECTION A is completed.

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