Survey Templates Surveys Pursuit study

Pursuit study



Below are a number of words that describe different feelings and emotions. Please read each item and then click the button to indicate to what extent you feel this way right now in your life.
Very slightly or not at all
A little
Quite a bit
1. interested
2. irritable
3. distressed
4. alert
5. excited
6. ashamed
7. upset
8. inspired
9. strong
10. nervous
Very slightly or not at all
A little
Quite a bit
11. guilty
12. determined
13. scared
14. attentive
15. hostile
16. jittery
17. enthusiastic
18. active
19. proud
20. afraid

Please indicate your agreement with each statement below.
Not a happy person
A very happy person
21. In my life right now, I consider myself:

Less happy
Equally happy
More happy
22. Compared to most of my peers right now, I consider myself:

Not at all
A great deal
23. Some people are generally very happy. They enjoy life regardless of what is going on, getting the most out of everything. To what extent does this characterization describe you, right now in your life?

Not at all
A great deal
24. Some people are generally not very happy. Although they are not depressed, they never seem as happy as they might be. To what extent does this characterization describe you, right now in your life?

25. How do you feel about your life right now?
We are studying how changes in people's lives affect them. These changes may be active or passive. Below are two types of changes that can occur in a person's life.
Has there been some significant positive change in the circumstances of your life since the beginning of the semester, which has given you a boost since it occurred? "Circumstances" means facts about your life. For example, you may have moved to a better dorm or a better roommate, received an increase in financial support so you can have more fun, or dropped a course that you were really going to have trouble with.
No positive change in circumstances
Some positive change in circumstances
Much positive change in circumstances
26. To what extent has there been some significant positive change in the circumstances of your life?

Have you adopted some significant positive new goal or activity since the beginning of the semester, which has given you a boost since it occurred? "Goal/activity" means something you chose to do or get involved in, which takes effort on your part. For example, you may have joined a rewarding new group, club, or sports team, decided on a major or career direction which makes it clear what to focus on, or taken on some other important new project or goal in your life.
No positive change in goals/activities
Some positive change in goals/activities
Much positive change in goals/activities
27. To what extent have you adopted some significant positive new goal or activity since the beginning of the semester, which has given you a boost since it occurred?
28. What did you write in Essay 1 of the first session?

Not at all confident
Somewhat confident
Very confident
29. How confident are you in what you have written? That is, how certain are you that you have reproduced what you wrote before?
30. Which form of the first questionnaire did you complete? You can find which form you used in the e-mail that contained the link to this survey. (If you "Don't know", please hit that button, check the e-mail we sent you, and start the survey over again.)
31. Did you actually make the change you said you would make? Please tell the truth -it is ok if you didn't. We just need to know for the purposes of our study.
33. How important or significant was the change?

Not at all
Very much
34. How large of a departure from your prior circumstances or goals/ activities is the change? That is, how much did it alter your life-situation from what it was before?
35. To what extent was the change your own doing? That is, how much did you bring it about?
36. To what extent was the change accidental or unexpected? That is, how much did you have no real part in bringing it about?
37. To what extent did you choose to have this change, i.e., how much did you mean for it to happen?
38. To what extent was the change caused by external factors beyond your control? That is, how much could you not have influenced the change, even if you had wanted to?

very slowly (over a period of weeks)
slowly (over a period of a week)
moderate (over a period of days)
quickly (over a single day)
very quickly (in a few hours or less)
39. How gradually vs quickly did the change occur?

Part of background
Notice it sometimes
Notice it frequently
40. How aware of the change are you, in your daily life? Is it something you think about or notice frequently, or is it more part of the background?

Not at all
Very much
41. To what extent does the change involve other people, that is, to what extent is it a social or interpersonal change?
42. To what extent have you gotten used to the change, that is, to what extent do you find that you've become accustomed it, such that it doesn't give the same boost as before?
43. To what extent has the new circumstance changed back to the original circumstance, or, have you stopped doing the activity? (answer regarding your change, whether it be circumstance or activity).
44. To what extent is the change something that varies over time, i.e., something that adds variety to your life?
45. To what extent is the change something that impacts many domains in your life, i.e., is it something that influences all of your life, rather than just one life-domain?
46. To what extent has the change made you a happier person?
47. To what extent was the change an explicit attempt to make yourself happier?
48. To what extent did you believe that the change would make you happier, before it happened?
49. To what extent was the change an explicit attempt to put yourself into a better mood?
50. To what extent did you believe that the change would put you in a better mood, before it happened?

Much worse
A little worse
The same
A little better
Much better
51. How has the change affected your typical daily mood?
Below are six feelings. Please rate how much the change has impacted these feelings, in your day-to-day life.
Much less of this feeling
About the same
Much more of this feeing
52. Feeling close and connected with important others in your life.
53. Feeling competent and effective in your life.
54. Feeling free and self-determined in your life.
55. Feeling warm and in sympathy with others.
56. Feeling skillful and masterful in your life.
57. Feeling autonomous and self-directed in your life.

Not at all
Very much
58. How much effort did you have to put into making the change happen?
59. How much effort do you have to put into keeping the change going?
60. To what extent does the change make your life better fit to your personality traits?
61. To what extent does the change make your life better fit your values and beliefs?
62. To what extent does the change make your life better fit your interests and passions?
63. To what extent does the change make your life better fit your needs and desires?
Below are 6 questions asking how the change has affected your life.
Not at all
Very much
64. To what extent has the change helped you to be more physically attractive?
65. To what extent has the changed involved helping those who need help?
66. To what extent has the change involved having more money and nice things?
67. To what extent has the change involved having people you feel very close to?
68. To what extent has the change involved being known or admired by others?
69. To what extent has the change involved your growing as a person?

70. Again, from your e-mail, what form did you use in the first survey?

The following questions refer to the goal or activity that you changed or started.
Not at all
Very much
71.To what extent has the goal/activity become a "habit," i.e., something you do without thinking about it anymore?
72.How well are you doing at the goal/activity?
73. How conscientiously are you doing the goal/activity?
74. How much progress are you making at the goal/activity?

The next questions ask about doing the original mental exercise, two weeks ago.
Not at all
Very much
32.How important or significant did the exercise seem, at the time?
33. How hard did you try to do the exercise, at the time?
34. During the last two weeks, how often did you think about the things you wrote during the original exercise?

How did the original exercise affect each of these feelings, during the last two weeks?
Much less than usual
About the same as usual
Much more than usual
35. Feeling close and connected with important others in your life.
36. Feeling competent and effective in your life.
37. Feeling free and self-determined in your life.
38. Feeling warm and in sympathy with others.
39. Feeling skillful and masterful in your life.
40. Feeling autonomous and self-directed in your life.

Remember, we suggested (but did not require) you keep on doing the mental exercise. The questions below ask you about the ongoing mental exercise.
Not at all
Very much
41. How well are you doing the exercise, at present?
42. How conscientiously are you doing the exercise, at present?
43. To what extent has the exercise become a "habit," i.e., something you do without thinking about it anymore?

Haven't done it
Not much
Very much
45. If you do the exercise, to what extent do you vary how you do it, in other words, to what extent do you do it a different way every time?
46. To what extent does the exercise impact many domains in your life, rather than just one life-domain?
47. To what extent is the exercise an attempt to make yourself happier?
Mental exercises can be of two types: they can help cure an existing negative situation, or they can help get a positive new situation.
Haven't done it
Not at all
Very much
48. To what extent has the exercise helped you cure an existing negative situation?
49. To what extent has the exercise helped you get a positive new situation?
Below are six feelings. How much has continuing to do the exercise impacted these feelings, in your day-to-day life? Use this scale.
Much less of this feeling
About the same
Much More of this feeling
50. Feeling close and connected with important others in your life.
51. Feeling competent and effective in your life.
52. Feeling free and self-determined in your life.
53. Feeling warm and in sympathy with others.
54. Feeling skillful and masterful in your life.
55. Feeling autonomous and self-directed in your life.

Not at all
Very much
56. To what extent has doing this exercise made your life fit your personality traits better?
57. To what extent has doing this exercise made your life fit your values and beliefs better?
58. To what extent has doing this exercise made your life fit your interests and passions better?
59. To what extent has doing this exercise made your life fit your needs and desires better?
The next 6 questions ask how the exercise, overall, has affected your life. Answer using this scale:
Not at all
Very much
60. To what extent has the exercise helped you to be more physically attractive?
61. To what extent has the exercise involved helping those who need help?
62. To what extent has the exercise involved having more money and nice things?
63. To what extent has the exercise involved having people you feel very close to?
64. To what extent has the exercise involved being known or admired by others?
65. To what extent has the exercise involved your growing as a person?
Please rate your agreement with each statement below, using this scale:
No agreement
Some agreement
Much Agreement
66. I can and do choose freely what to do in my life, regardless of my past and present circumstances.
67. I am constrained to do only what my past and present circumstances dictate.
68. I can change my habits and behaviors at any time, if I want to.
69. I cannot change my habits and behaviors, even if I want to.

January - March
April - June
July - September
October -December
What is your birth month?

Please indicate your agreement with each statement below.
Not at all
Very Much
My self-worth is based on God's love.
Doing something I know is wrong makes me lose my self-respect.
I feel worthwhile when I have God's love.
Whenever I follow my moral principles, my sense of self-respect gets a boost.
I couldn't respect myself if I didn't live up to a moral code.
My self-esteem would suffer if I didn't have God's love.
My self-esteem goes up when I feel that God loves me.
My self-esteem would suffer if I did something unethical.
When I think that I'm disobeying God, I feel bad about myself.
My self-esteem depends on whether or not I follow my moral/ethical principles.

Imagine that you have been diagnosed with a rare and potentially fatal disorder. You are stunned, and are speaking with your specialist, who is explaining the situation and the treatment options.
No Choice, Only one real option
Some choice; a few possible options
Very much choice; many possible options
In this situation, how much choice would you want to have regarding your treatment?

3 or 4
5 to 10
11 or more
In this situation, how many different treatment options would you like the specialist to present?
Who would you rather have the most say in making the choice about treatment? That is, to what extent would you want the choice to reflect your own preference, versus the specialist’s preference?

Very Little
A moderate amount
A large amount
How much information would you want to process and consider before taking action?
How many days would you want to wait, before deciding between Option A and Option B?
book we the read top
safe the was airplane a
sale for by sweatshirts are
felt girl and secure the
dollars salad costs the two for
committed are priests activists in
often soda but drink I
man confident was orange the
in bookmark used the she
predictable the is an future
tablecloth and blue the is
people am comfortable are the
bright is the yes lamp
relationships rewarding new are sandy
is to here served lunch
she certainty felt his great
is the now desk wooden
single protected he children the
apple was to the delicious
harmless the coasts was storm

Current feelings. Please rate how much you feel each of the emotions below, at the present time.
Much less than usual
About the same as usual
Much more than usual
Feeling close and connected with important others.
Feeling competent and effective.
Feeling free and self-determined.
Feeling safe and secure.
Feeling warm and in sympathy with others.
Feeling skillful and masterful.
Feeling autonomous and self-directed.
Feeling protected and in control.

The questions below ask you about aspirations you may have for the future. For each item, fill in a number which indicates how important it is to you that the goal be attained in the future. Please make both low and high ratings, i.e, be sure to tell us also which aspirations aren’t so important.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will choose what I do, instead of being pushed along by life.
I will feel that there are people who really love me, and whom I love.
I will assist people who need it, asking nothing in return.
I will be recognized by lots of different people.
I will successfully hide the signs of aging.
I will be financially successful.
At the end of my life, I will look back on my life as meaningful and complete.
I will have good friends that I can count on.
I will work for the betterment of society.
My name will be known by many people.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will have people comment often about how attractive I look.
I will have a job that pays very well.
I will gain increasing insight into why I do the things I do.
I will share my life with someone I love.
I will work to make the world a better place.
I will be admired by many people.
I will keep up with fashions in hair and clothing.
I will have many expensive possessions.
I will know and accept who I really am.
I will have committed, intimate relationships.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will help others improve their lives.
I will be famous.
I will achieve the "look" I've been after.
I will be rich.
I will continue to grow and learn new things.
I will have deep, enduring relationships.
I will help people in need.
My name will appear frequently in the media.
My image will be one that others find appealing.
I will have enough money to buy everything I want.

Please indicate your agreement with each statement below.
Not at all
Very Much
My self-worth is based on God's love.
Doing something I know is wrong makes me lose my self-respect.
I feel worthwhile when I have God's love.
Whenever I follow my moral principles, my sense of self-respect gets a boost.
I couldn't respect myself if I didn't live up to a moral code.
My self-esteem would suffer if I didn't have God's love.
My self-esteem goes up when I feel that God loves me.
My self-esteem would suffer if I did something unethical.
When I think that I'm disobeying God, I feel bad about myself.
My self-esteem depends on whether or not I follow my moral/ethical principles.

Imagine that you have been diagnosed with a rare and potentially fatal disorder. You are stunned, and are speaking with your specialist, who is explaining the situation and the treatment options.
No Choice, Only one real option
Some choice; a few possible options
Very much choice; many possible options
In this situation, how much choice would you want to have regarding your treatment?

3 or 4
5 to 10
11 or more
In this situation, how many different treatment options would you like the specialist to present?
Who would you rather have the most say in making the choice about treatment? That is, to what extent would you want the choice to reflect your own preference, versus the specialist’s preference?

Very Little
A moderate amount
A large amount
How much information would you want to process and consider before taking action?
How many days would you want to wait, before deciding between Option A and Option B?
book we the read top
unsafe the was airplane a
sale for by sweatshirts are
felt girl and insecure the
dollars salad costs two for
committed are terrorists activists in
often soda but drink I
man apprehensive was orange the
in bookmark used the she
unpredictable the is an future
tablecloth and blue the is
people am homeless are the
bright is the yes lamp
relationships risky new are sandy
is to hear served lunch
is the now desk wooden
single threatened he children the
apple was to the delicious
dangerous the coast was storm

Current feelings. Please rate how much you feel each of the emotions below, at the present time.
Much less than usual
About the same as usual
Much more than usual
Feeling close and connected with important others.
Feeling competent and effective.
Feeling free and self-determined.
Feeling safe and secure.
Feeling warm and in sympathy with others.
Feeling skillful and masterful.
Feeling autonomous and self-directed.
Feeling protected and in control.

The questions below ask you about aspirations you may have for the future. For each item, fill in a number which indicates how important it is to you that the goal be attained in the future. Please make both low and high ratings, i.e, be sure to tell us also which aspirations aren’t so important.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will choose what I do, instead of being pushed along by life.
I will feel that there are people who really love me, and whom I love.
I will assist people who need it, asking nothing in return.
I will be recognized by lots of different people.
I will successfully hide the signs of aging.
I will be financially successful.
At the end of my life, I will look back on my life as meaningful and complete.
I will have good friends that I can count on.
I will work for the betterment of society.
My name will be known by many people.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will have people comment often about how attractive I look.
I will have a job that pays very well.
I will gain increasing insight into why I do the things I do.
I will share my life with someone I love.
I will work to make the world a better place.
I will be admired by many people.
I will keep up with fashions in hair and clothing.
I will have many expensive possessions.
I will know and accept who I really am.
I will have committed, intimate relationships.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will help others improve their lives.
I will be famous.
I will achieve the "look" I've been after.
I will be rich.
I will continue to grow and learn new things.
I will have deep, enduring relationships.
I will help people in need.
My name will appear frequently in the media.
My image will be one that others find appealing.
I will have enough money to buy everything I want.

Please indicate your agreement with each statement below.
Not at all
Very Much
My self-worth is based on God's love.
Doing something I know is wrong makes me lose my self-respect.
I feel worthwhile when I have God's love.
Whenever I follow my moral principles, my sense of self-respect gets a boost.
I couldn't respect myself if I didn't live up to a moral code.
My self-esteem would suffer if I didn't have God's love.
My self-esteem goes up when I feel that God loves me.
My self-esteem would suffer if I did something unethical.
When I think that I'm disobeying God, I feel bad about myself.
My self-esteem depends on whether or not I follow my moral/ethical principles.

Imagine that you have been diagnosed with a rare and potentially fatal disorder. You are stunned, and are speaking with your specialist, who is explaining the situation and the treatment options.
No Choice, Only one real option
Some choice; a few possible options
Very much choice; many possible options
In this situation, how much choice would you want to have regarding your treatment?

3 or 4
5 to 10
11 or more
In this situation, how many different treatment options would you like the specialist to present?
Who would you rather have the most say in making the choice about treatment? That is, to what extent would you want the choice to reflect your own preference, versus the specialist’s preference?

Very Little
A moderate amount
A large amount
How much information would you want to process and consider before taking action?
How many days would you want to wait, before deciding between Option A and Option B?
book we the read top
safe the was airplane a
sale for by sweatshirts are
felt girl and secure the
dollars salad costs the two for
committed are priests activists in
often soda but drink I
man confident was orange the
in bookmark used the she
predictable the is an future
tablecloth and blue the is
people am comfortable are the
bright is the yes lamp
relationships rewarding new are sandy
is to here served lunch
she certainty felt his great
is the now desk wooden
single protected he children the
apple was to the delicious
harmless the coasts was storm

Current feelings. Please rate how much you feel each of the emotions below, at the present time.
Much less than usual
About the same as usual
Much more than usual
Feeling close and connected with important others.
Feeling competent and effective.
Feeling free and self-determined.
Feeling safe and secure.
Feeling warm and in sympathy with others.
Feeling skillful and masterful.
Feeling autonomous and self-directed.
Feeling protected and in control.

The questions below ask you about aspirations you may have for the future. For each item, fill in a number which indicates how important it is to you that the goal be attained in the future. Please make both low and high ratings, i.e, be sure to tell us also which aspirations aren’t so important.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will choose what I do, instead of being pushed along by life.
I will feel that there are people who really love me, and whom I love.
I will assist people who need it, asking nothing in return.
I will be recognized by lots of different people.
I will successfully hide the signs of aging.
I will be financially successful.
At the end of my life, I will look back on my life as meaningful and complete.
I will have good friends that I can count on.
I will work for the betterment of society.
My name will be known by many people.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will have people comment often about how attractive I look.
I will have a job that pays very well.
I will gain increasing insight into why I do the things I do.
I will share my life with someone I love.
I will work to make the world a better place.
I will be admired by many people.
I will keep up with fashions in hair and clothing.
I will have many expensive possessions.
I will know and accept who I really am.
I will have committed, intimate relationships.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will help others improve their lives.
I will be famous.
I will achieve the "look" I've been after.
I will be rich.
I will continue to grow and learn new things.
I will have deep, enduring relationships.
I will help people in need.
My name will appear frequently in the media.
My image will be one that others find appealing.
I will have enough money to buy everything I want.

Please indicate your agreement with each statement below.
Not at all
Very Much
My self-worth is based on God's love.
Doing something I know is wrong makes me lose my self-respect.
I feel worthwhile when I have God's love.
Whenever I follow my moral principles, my sense of self-respect gets a boost.
I couldn't respect myself if I didn't live up to a moral code.
My self-esteem would suffer if I didn't have God's love.
My self-esteem goes up when I feel that God loves me.
My self-esteem would suffer if I did something unethical.
When I think that I'm disobeying God, I feel bad about myself.
My self-esteem depends on whether or not I follow my moral/ethical principles.

Imagine that you have been diagnosed with a rare and potentially fatal disorder. You are stunned, and are speaking with your specialist, who is explaining the situation and the treatment options.
No Choice, Only one real option
Some choice; a few possible options
Very much choice; many possible options
In this situation, how much choice would you want to have regarding your treatment?

3 or 4
5 to 10
11 or more
In this situation, how many different treatment options would you like the specialist to present?
Who would you rather have the most say in making the choice about treatment? That is, to what extent would you want the choice to reflect your own preference, versus the specialist’s preference?

Very Little
A moderate amount
A large amount
How much information would you want to process and consider before taking action?
How many days would you want to wait, before deciding between Option A and Option B?
book we the read top
unsafe the was airplane a
sale for by sweatshirts are
felt girl and insecure the
dollars salad costs two for
committed are terrorists activists in
often soda but drink I
man apprehensive was orange the
in bookmark used the she
unpredictable the is an future
tablecloth and blue the is
people am homeless are the
bright is the yes lamp
relationships risky new are sandy
is to hear served lunch
is the now desk wooden
single threatened he children the
apple was to the delicious
dangerous the coast was storm

Current feelings. Please rate how much you feel each of the emotions below, at the present time.
Much less than usual
About the same as usual
Much more than usual
Feeling close and connected with important others.
Feeling competent and effective.
Feeling free and self-determined.
Feeling safe and secure.
Feeling warm and in sympathy with others.
Feeling skillful and masterful.
Feeling autonomous and self-directed.
Feeling protected and in control.

The questions below ask you about aspirations you may have for the future. For each item, fill in a number which indicates how important it is to you that the goal be attained in the future. Please make both low and high ratings, i.e, be sure to tell us also which aspirations aren’t so important.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will choose what I do, instead of being pushed along by life.
I will feel that there are people who really love me, and whom I love.
I will assist people who need it, asking nothing in return.
I will be recognized by lots of different people.
I will successfully hide the signs of aging.
I will be financially successful.
At the end of my life, I will look back on my life as meaningful and complete.
I will have good friends that I can count on.
I will work for the betterment of society.
My name will be known by many people.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will have people comment often about how attractive I look.
I will have a job that pays very well.
I will gain increasing insight into why I do the things I do.
I will share my life with someone I love.
I will work to make the world a better place.
I will be admired by many people.
I will keep up with fashions in hair and clothing.
I will have many expensive possessions.
I will know and accept who I really am.
I will have committed, intimate relationships.
not at all important
moderately important
very important
I will help others improve their lives.
I will be famous.
I will achieve the "look" I've been after.
I will be rich.
I will continue to grow and learn new things.
I will have deep, enduring relationships.
I will help people in need.
My name will appear frequently in the media.
My image will be one that others find appealing.
I will have enough money to buy everything I want.

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