Survey Templates Surveys DEFS Communication

DEFS Communication

DEFS Communication

This survey is presented by a team of MBA students from the University of Colorado at Denver under the supervision of Dr. James Diefendorff. Questions in this survey will ask about the communication systems currently in place at DEFS. Your participation is completely voluntary. Completing this survey will not expose you to any foreseeable risk or harm of any sort. This information provided by you will be used solely for the purposes of this class project. All responses will be kept confidential, and any identifying information will be destroyed at the end of the project to ensure the anonymity of your responses. Thank you for your participation.
Which information items do you believe are very important for you to receive communications on?
What other topics do you feel are important for you to know more about and would like the company to include in future communications?
From which of the following sources would you prefer to receive most of your information about what is going on in the company?
What type of media would you prefer for communications?
From which of the following sources do you now receive most of your information about what is going on in the company? Rank your top three information sources only.
The grapevine
Bulletin board
My supervisor
Company leadership
Group meetings at our work location
Local company publications
Company intranet
Company e-mail
Voice-mail announcements
Do you review the company's intranet/portal content?
What is your overall evaluation of the intranet/portal?
If the access to the intranet/portal was more convenient (wireless, phone) would you use it more?
How much of the quarterly company newsletter do you read?
What is your overall evaluation of the newsletter?
Do you read company emails?
What is your overall evaluation of using emails as an effective method of communication?
What are the best methods of communications in the department?
What other sources of communication would you like to see used in the future?
Overall, how satisfied are you with communications in your department?
Which best describes your impression of communications within your department?
How do you feel about the reliability of the information you receive?
How well do you feel you know the department's goals and objectives?
Compared with a year ago, how would you rate your knowledge of the department, its strategies, and its ongoing accomplishments?
I am kept well informed about my work group's plans and progress

I am kept well informed about company plans and progress.

There are opportunities available to me to express my ideas to upper management.

There is good communication in my group.

There is good communication between people in different areas of the company.

I am kept well informed by upper management on what's going on in the company.

Considering everything, how satisfied are you with the amount of quality of communications in the company?
Do you have any suggestions for the company to help improve performance and efficiency?
What are the most significant problems with the current communications systems?
How long have you worked for DEFS? If you joined DEFS through an acquisition, only include the time with DEFS.
Where do you office out of?

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