Survey Templates Surveys Merger/Acquisition process

Merger/Acquisition process

Merger/Acquisition process

Were you officially informed that your company was involved in ongoing M/A negotiations?
During the M/A process, did you feel adequately informed about the expected changes for your company?
During the M/A process, did you feel adequately informed about the consequences/matters for your own job?
During the M/A process, did you feel that you were informed about the expected changes and consequences in a timely
During the M/A process, did you feel adequately informed about the partner company?
By which means of information/communication did you get the most information during the M/A process (multiple selections possible) ?
How would you best describe the atmosphere in your company at the time of the
Did your immediate supervisor change after the M/A?
Did your department get larger due to the M/A?
Did your department get smaller due to the M/A?
Did your work content change due to the M/A (new focuses etc.)?
Did your work processes change due to the M/A?
Due to the M/A...
- have there been any layoffs in your company?
Due to the M/A...
- were employee capacities reduced by early retirement plans or part time regulations?
The company provides benefits that compare favorably with other companies in the industry.
Overall, how satisfied are you with the benefits you receive at State Street?
When reviewing the result of the total changes of the work organization in your company due to the M/A, how severe would you rate them?
When reviewing the result of the total changes of the work organization, how satisfied are you with them?
Do you feel that sharing information
with employees is highly valued.
20.Do you feel leaders have a lot of
trust in their employees.
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Do you feel that leaders have a lot of
Do you feel employees are involved in decisions?
Do you feel employees have a lot of trust in their leaders
Have you personally been strongly affected by the M/A?
Has the M/A stressed you a lot personally?
Did the M/A bring a lot of changes for you?
Did the M/A bring new challenges for you?
Did the M/A come along with a lot of conflicts/ dis-agreements for you?
Did the M/A cause a lot of confusion?
I am satisfied with my job.
I see a lot of career opportunities for me
in this company
I am not worried about my professional future
I am satisfied with the management/supervisors in my company.
Before the M/A...
I was proud to be an employee of this
After the M/A...
I am proud to be an employee of this
When reviewing the M/A of your company
altogether, how satisfied are you personally with the (handling of the) process of the M/A?
When reviewing the M/A of your company
altogether, how satisfied are you personally with the results of the M/A?
Do you supervise anyone?
How long have you been an employee of you company?

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