Survey Templates Surveys Voting Patterns of American Jews in Presidential E

Voting Patterns of American Jews in Presidential E

Voting Patterns of American Jews in Presidential Elections

Do you consider yourself Jewish?
Did you cast a vote for president in the 2004 election?
Age Group:
Annual Household Income:
Education Level:
Denomination of Judaism
How often do you go to synagogue or daven (pray) in your home?
For which presidential candidate did you cast your vote in 2004?
For whom did you cast your vote for president in the 2000 election?

Note: if you live in Florida (or anywhere else) and accidentally voted for the wrong candidate, please select the candidate you intended to vote for.
In general, in presidential elections, for which party's candidates have you voted most often?
Do you consider yourself a:
If you had to choose, which party would you say you lean more towards?
In deciding whom to vote for for president, a candidate's position on Israel is:
Do you think there is a difference between the Democratic and Republican parties on issues related to Israel?
Do you think President Bush and Senator Kerry differed in their level of support for Israel?

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