Survey Templates Surveys MACAC Web Survey

MACAC Web Survey

IACAC Web Survey

Please note: This survey should only take 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your time and for your interest in MACAC.
For what type of organization do you work?
What is your primary role in the workplace?
How long have you been a member of MACAC?
Why did you first join MACAC? (Please check the most important reason)
Of which other professional organizations are you currently a member?

Based on your MACAC experiences, how would you rate each of the following?
(Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Not Applicable)
Not Applicable
Annual Conference
Camp College
Executive Board
NACAC Metro Detroit National College Fair
NACAC Grand Rapids National College Fair
New Counselors’ Workshop
Web site
What month and location do you think would be the ideal time and place to hold the Annual Conference?
During the 2004-05 academic year, which of the following areas have you participated in or are planning to participate in? (Check all that apply.)

Please indicate your agreement to each of the following statements after reading each statement carefully.
Strongly Agree
No Opinion
Strongly Disagree
I look forward to participating in MACAC activities.
I feel my voice is heard in MACAC.
It is easy for me to join a MACAC committee.
I visit the MACAC web site more than twice a month.
MACAC fulfills my professional needs.
MACAC addresses diversity needs.
Members of the MACAC Executive Board are approachable.
MACAC is the most important professional association I belong to.
MACAC fosters leadership opportunities.
I receive more from MACAC than I give.

Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Overall, how satisfied have you been with your experiences with MACAC.
What new programs or opportunities would you like MACAC to offer? (for example: One-day regional workshops)
Please list any suggestions you have to help improve MACAC:
If MACAC were to focus on only one issue in college counseling for the next two years, what do you think it should be and why?
Would you like a member of the MACAC Executive Board to contact you? If so, please list your name, phone number, and the best time to reach you.
The MACAC Executive Board is considering developing our newsletter, Transitions, into an electronic document, which would save MACAC $5,000 – $7,000 per year. In that light, how would you prefer to receive the MACAC newsletter, Transitions?
Please list any additional comments below:
Name (Optional):
Institution (Optional):
Thank you so much for your time!

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