Survey Templates Surveys Untitled




You are invited to participate in this survey which is being conducted by a graduate student at the University of London to study patterns of Internet use amongst Iranians. The survey is completely anonymous and your identity cannot be tracked. This is a unique opportunity for you to participate in research about Iran.

It will take approximately 2 minutes for you to complete.

Thank you very much for your time. Please start by clicking on the Continue button below.

How old are you?
Please specify your gender:
Please indicate your marital status:
Where do you live right now?
Where did you live for most of your life until the age of 20?
Please specify where you have lived for most of your life:
Please indicate your citizenship(s). Please check as many as apply to you.
Please specify your religion:
If you are Muslim, please check as many as apply to you:
Please indicate your occupation:
Please indicate your level of eduction:
How often do you use the Internet?
How many hours per day do you spend on the Internet?
How many years have you been using the Internet?
Where do you usually access the Internet?
How often do you go to an Internet cafe?
For what purpose do you use the Internet? (Please check as many as apply to you)
Have you ever become friends with someone you met on the Internet?
Of the friends you have made on the Internet, are they mostly the same gender or the opposite gender as yourself:
Of the friends you have made on the Internet, have you ever met any of them in person?
Did you meet your current partner or spouse on the Internet?
Did you vote in the last Iranian Presidential election (June 2005)?
Please specify who you vote for in the 1st Round:
Please specify who you voted for in the 2nd Round:

Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, neutral, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the present form of government in Iran?
Did you demonstrate in the July 1999 protest in Iran?

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do you strongly agree, agree, feel neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree that hejab should be mandatory in Iran?
Do you take part in political debates online?
Where do you debate politics online? (Please check as many as apply to you)

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do you strongly agree, agree, feel neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree that the Internet is having an impact on political debate in Iran?
Where do you mainly obtain your news information?
Do you have your own blog?
Do you have your own website?

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