Survey Templates Surveys PILOT1Pulse


Sample Survey


You are invited to participate in a readership survey for The Tuscaloosa News.

It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact the researcher by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

1.How often do you visit the Tuscaloosa News Web site?
2.How do you get the Tuscaloosa News?
3.Please indicate how often you read the following sections of newspapers.
Always/Every appearance
Almost always
Local news
State, national, international news
Sports, local
Sports, national
Local columns
Syndicated/national columns (Dear Abby, etc.)
Social announcements (obituaries, weddings/engagements, births, etc.)
General lifestyles/features
Activities, games (ex. crosswords, bridge or poker column)
Always/Every appearance
Almost always
TV schedule
4.The Tuscaloosa News has four unique sections. Please indicate how often you read each of the following.
Always/every appearance
Almost always
5.How do you read Pulse?
6.Have you taken part in any polls or answered any questions on the Pulse site?
7.Please indicate what best describes you.
8.Do you or have you read or discussed content in Pulse with your child?
9.Have you read or discussed content in Pulse with children at your job?
10.Please indicate in which class/classes Pulse is or was used or discussed by the teacher, if any?
11.Please indicate which, if any, classes in which you have used Pulse?
12.We are interested in learning why people read parts or a part of the newspaper. Here are 15 reasons others have given for reading newspapers. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statements below by using the buttons offered.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I read the newspaper to keep up with current issues and events.
I read the newspaper because there is a human quality to the stories.
I read the newspaper to find out about issues affecting people like myself.
I read the newspaper to find out what kind of job our government officials are doing.
I read the newspaper because it’s enjoyable to read.
I read the newspaper so I won’t be surprised by changing policies and things like that.
I read the newspaper so I can pass the information on to other people.
I read the newspaper because I can trust the information in it.
I read the newspaper to find support for my own viewpoints of other people.
I read the newspaper because it’s intellectually stimulating.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I read the newspaper to give me interesting things to talk about.
I read the newspaper to compare my own feelings with what the writers say.
I read the newspaper because it’s a good source to learn from.
I read the newspaper because the reporters are like people I know.
I read the newspaper to help me make up my mind about the important issues of the day.
13.Now, it's important to compare what you expect from the newspaper to what you gain AFTER reading it. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statements below. Your responses are critical to this research.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
The newspaper allows me to compare my own feelings with the writers’ opinions.
The newspaper keeps me informed about new legislation and things like that.
Reading the newspapers helps me make decisions about important issues.
Reading the newspaper is a good way to learn.
The newspaper is enjoyable to read.
The newspaper helps me to keep up with current issues and events.
The newspaper allows me to gain information that I pass on to others.
The newspaper helps support my views of how others act and think.
Newspaper reporters are like people I know.
I feel I can trust the information I read in the newspaper.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
The newspaper is intellectually stimulating.
The newspaper has human quality in the stories.
The newspaper keeps me informed of what kind of job our government officials are doing.
I have interesting things to talk with others about when I read the newspaper.
The newspaper helps me to understand what is affecting people like me.
14.Finally, for those who have read Pulse, it is important to understand in what way that section is a service to the audience in comparison to your desires from a newspaper. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statements about Pulse by using the buttons. (If you have not read Pulse, see below.)
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Pulse helps me to find out what kind of job our government officials are doing.
Pulse gives me support for my views of how others act and think.
I compare my own feelings with those of the writers for Pulse.
The reporters of Pulse are like people I know.
I often pass on the information I gather from Pulse to others.
Reading Pulse assures that I won’t be surprised by changing policies and things like that.
Pulse is a good thing to learn from.
Pulse is enjoyable to read.
Pulse gives me interesting things to talk about.
I feel I can trust the information in Pulse.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Pulse helps me to keep up with current issues and events.
Pulse helps me make up my mind about the important issues of the day.
Pulse allows me to find out about issues affecting people like me.
Stories in Pulse have human quality.
Pulse is intellectually stimulating.
Please indicate how often you read each of the following Pulse features.
Take the Pulse question
BTW :)
Pulse Amusements
Sudoku puzzle
My Turn
Ask Scarlett
Pulse Reviews
Pulse School News
Daily Comics
16.Please indicate how much you like each of the following features of Pulse.
Like very much
Like somewhat
Don't really like or dislike
Dislike somewhat
Dislike very much
Take the Pulse question
BTW :)
Pulse Amusements
Sudoku puzzle
My Turn
Ask Scarlett
Pulse Reviews
Pulse School News
Daily Comics
17.What is your FAVORITE feature of Pulse?
18.If you were the editor of Pulse, what feature would you remove?
19.Overall, how would you rate Pulse?
20.Do you have any other comments about Pulse that you would like to share with us?
21.We are interested in learning why people read parts or a part of the newspaper. Here are 15 reasons others have given for reading newspapers. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statements below by using the buttons offered.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I read the newspaper because it’s intellectually stimulating.
I read the newspaper to keep up with current issues and events.
I read the newspaper to compare my own feelings with what the writers say.
I read the newspaper to give me interesting things to talk about.
I read the newspaper because it’s a good source to learn from.
I read the newspaper to find out about issues affecting people like myself.
I read the newspaper because the reporters are like people I know.
I read the newspaper to find out what kind of job our government officials are doing.
I read the newspaper so I won’t be surprised by changing policies and things like that.
I read the newspaper because it’s enjoyable to read.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I read the newspaper because there is a human quality to the stories.
I read the newspaper so I can pass the information on to other people.
I read the newspaper to help me make up my mind about the important issues of the day.
I read the newspaper because I can trust the information in it.
I read the newspaper to find support for my own viewpoints of other people.
22.Now, it's important to compare what you expect from the newspaper to what you gain AFTER reading it. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statements below. Your responses are critical to this research.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Newspaper reporters are like people I know.
The newspaper keeps me informed about new legislation and things like that.
The newspaper allows me to gain information that I pass on to others.
The newspaper keeps me informed of what kind of job our government officials are doing.
I have interesting things to talk with others about when I read the newspaper.
Reading the newspapers helps me make decisions about important issues.
The newspaper helps me to understand what is affecting people like me.
I feel I can trust the information I read in the newspaper.
Reading the newspaper is a good way to learn.
The newspaper helps me to keep up with current issues and events.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
The newspaper helps support my views of how others act and think.
The newspaper is intellectually stimulating.
The newspaper has human quality in the stories.
The newspaper is enjoyable to read.
The newspaper allows me to compare my own feelings with the writers’ opinions.
23.What is your gender?

80 and over
Please indicate how many people in each age group live in your household, including yourself.
25.How old are you?
26.What is the highest level of education you've completed?
27.What is your annual household income? (Please include all shared income.)

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