Survey Templates Surveys Survey


C&B Organisational Behaviour Survey


You are invited to participate in Currie & Brown's UK Organisational Behaviour Survey. The questionnaire is based on the outcomes from previous values study in Currie & Brown. We would like you to assess the CURRENT STATUS of the organisational behaviours within the company FROM YOUR EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE. It should take approximately 15~20 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your responses will be treated as strictly confidential and result from this research will be reported only in general terms. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Grace Zhang at [email protected].

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.


Listed below are 21 behaviour statements which have been identified by the Values Group as important behaviours for Currie & Brown. Please select one choice which describes the CURRENT STATUS of each behaviour AS YOU ARE EXPERIENCING in your daily work.

Please also note this pilot questionnaire include 3 different formats- Question 1 to 7 are based on format A, Question 8 to 14 are based on format B and Question 15 to 21 are based on format C.

Format A

For each of the following seven questions, five sentences are provided to describe different levels of performance, which are repeated in every question.
1. Promote environmental awareness to staff and clients
2. Inform staff of the environmental policy in force
3. Respect others
4. Take responsibility for our actions
5. Continually seek to improve services
6. Communicate effectively
7. Support others in challenging times

Format B

For each of the following seven questions, a five-point scale is provided to demonstrate different levels of performance, where Poor means the company is not doing this at all; and Great means the company is doing this extremely well.
8. Take each other seriously
9. Support and understand individual’s needs
10. Working to live not living to work
11. Give praise where praise is due
12. Recognise and encourage commitment and increased responsibility
13. Share in the company’s success
14. Motivate our people by recognising and rewarding achievements

Format C

For each of the following seven questions, five sentences are provided to describe different levels of performance, which vary from question to question.
15. Encourage self development
16. Provide training opportunities
17. Communicate effectively at all levels to share knowledge and enhance development
18. Establish and implement effective channels of communication
19. Have the confidence to take a fresh approach to provide new solutions
20. Encourage people to express their opinions in a constructive way
21. Make sure it happens


Please provide your background information below.
1.Your Age
3.How long have you been working for Currie & Brown?
4.Which Strategic Business Unit do you belong to?

1.How easy do you feel the questionnaire is?
2.Which format do you think should be adopted in the final questionnaire?
3.This will be an online questionnaire survey. Which of the following option would you prefer?
4.Have you used the space for suggestions?
5. Other comments?

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