Survey Templates Surveys Survey of Organisational Customer Information

Survey of Organisational Customer Information

Survey of Organisational Customer Information

Email address (optional)

Please answer all questons in the survey and thank you in advance for taking the time to participate in this study. We appreciate your input and willingness to help to advance the state of knowledge in this important area of research.

1.Which of the following best describes your job title?
How many years have you been working in IT-supported customer relationship management (CRM)? (Choose one.)
3.How many employees work for your organisation, at all locations? (Choose one.)
Strongly Disagree
Not Sure
Strongly Agree
Compared to others in our industry, our organisation tends to be first to market with innovative new products/services.
Compared to others in our industry, our organisation tends to be first to develop new process technology.
Compared to others in our industry, our organisation tends to be first to recognize and develop new markets.
Compared to others in our industry, our organisation tends to be at the leading edge of technological innovation.
What is your main area of business? (Choose one.)
6.Please select the group below which best presents your organisation's routine relationship with most of your customers/clients.
7.Relative to other organisations in your industry, how do you rate each of the following?
Exceptionally Good
Poorer than Most
Our ability to use multi-disciplinary teams to blend business and technology expertise:
Our relationships between line management and IT service providers:
Our line management sponsorship of IT initiatives:
Our ability to foster a climate that encourages risk taking and experimentation with IT:
Our ability to foster a climate nurturing IT project championship:
Exceptionally Good
Poorer than Most
Our technology based links with customers
Our technology based links with suppliers
Our ability to use entrepreneurial, 2-way collaborations with external partners
9.Relative to other organisations in your industry, how do you rate each of the following?
Exceptionally Good
Poorer than Most
Our clarity of vision with respect to how IT contributes to business value:
Our ability to integrate IT business strategic planning and IT planning:
Our management's ability to understand the value of IT investments:
Consistency of IT application portfolios with business processes:
Restructuring of business work processes to leverage opportunities:
Restructuring of IT work processes to leverage opportunities:
10.Relative to other organisations in your industry, how do you rate each of the following?
Exceptionally Good
Poorer than most
Effectiveness of our IT planning:
Consistent application of IT policies across the organisation:
Our ability to keep information secure:
Our ability to comply with information collection and handling standards & regulations:
11.Relative to other organisations in your industry, how do you rate each of the following?
Exceptionally Good
Poorer than Most
Quality of the data stored in our IT systems:
Flexibility of our data structures in answering adhoc queries:
One integrated view of our customer information within our organisation:
Investment in IT tools for analysing revenue and cost data to identify current and future high-value customers:
Investment in IT for 2-way communications with our customers:
Investment in IT to track customer defection and retention levels.
Very Poor
Very Good
How do you rate your organisation's ability to use customer information to enable quickness of response to meeting changes in customer needs and wants?
Very Poor
Very Good
How do you rate your organisation's ability to use customer information to respond to customer complaints?
Very Poor
Very Good
How do you rate your organisation's efforts to make product/service changes to overcome customer dissatisfaction with existing products?
Strongly Disagree
Not Sure
Strongly Agree
Our organisation recognizes customers as assets.
Our organisation is willing to spend dollars to nurture our customers.
Our competitors envy our customer support capabilities.
We have designed information systems to understand and serve our customers better.
We look upon CRM as the most important business process for driving financial performance
16.Please indicate to which degree you think each of the following statements apply to your organisation's actual practices.
Strongly Disagree
Not Sure
Strongly Agree
We continuously refine our customer base by using customer information to eliminate low-value customers.
We make a conscious attempt to use customer information to minimize catering to price-sensitive customers.
We use customer information to focus our sales resources on high-value customers.
We use customer information to help us position our products/services at the high-end of the price-quality continuum.
We use customer information to personalise our services to our major customers.
Very Poor
Very Good
How do you rate your organisation's speed of dissemination of information in-house about competitors?
How do you rate your organisation's response to competitive moves in the marketplace?
Strongly Disagree
Not Sure
Strongly Agree
We primarily use customer information to create personalised products/services that are difficult for our competition to copy.
We effectively share customer information between marketing and other departments.
We effectively share customer information within our marketing department or group.
We have formal or informal processes in place to collect information about how our competitors use customer information and use this knowledge to improve our marketing skills.
We have formal or informal processes in place to share customer information with our business partners.
19.Please indicate how your organisation's actual customer information handling practices compare to the "Best Practice Guidelines for Direct Marketing Data" available on the New Zealand Marketing Association's Web site by

Well Below
Below Guidelines
Meet Guidelines
Above Guidelines
Greatly Exceed
How do you rate your organisation's overall practice of collecting customer personal information? We are:
Well Below
Below Guidelines
Meet Guidelines
Above Guidelines
Greatly Exceed
How do you rate your organisation's overall practice of giving staff training in answering enquiries from customers about personal information your organisation has collected? We are:
Well Below
Below Guidelines
Meet Guidelines
Above Guidelines
Greatly Exceed
How do you rate your organisation's overall practice of informing customers of the new uses of their information for internal purposes? We are:
Well Below
Below Guidelines
Meet Guidelines
Above Guidelines
Greatly Exceed
How do you rate your organisation's overall practice of informing customers of the new uses of their information for external purposes? We are:
Well Below
Below Guidelines
Meet Guidelines
Above Guidelines
Greatly Exceed
How do you rate your organisation's overall practice of giving customers access to correct any errors in their personal information (such as via calls, Web sites and email)? We are:
Well Below
Below Guidelines
Meet Guidelines
Above Guidelines
Greatly Exceed
How do you rate your organisation's overall practice of protecting customer information from unauthorized access? We are:
25.Relative to your most competitive opponent/direct competitor, how has your business performed over the last two years?

Much Worse
Far Better
Our return on assets after tax were:
Our profitability was:
Our market share was:
Our sales were:
Our net operating margins were:
Our ability to charge price premiums for products/services were:
26.Relative to your most competitive opponent/direct competitor, how has your business performed over the last two years?

Much Worse
Far Better
Our ability to handle customer complaints was:
Our customer satisfaction levels were:
Our ability to retain customers was:
Our ability to improve our image/reputation was:
Our ability to increase the number of relationships with customers was:
27.To what extent do you believe each competency or skill (that follows) is unique to your organisation or business unit when compared with your most relevant competitors?
Not at all Unique
Very Unique
71) Our IT business partnerships are:
72) Our external IT links are:
73) Our business IT strategy is:
74) Our IT management is:
75) Our IT infrastructure is:
28.To what extent do you believe each competency or skill (that follows) is unique to your organisation or business unit when compared with your most relevant competitors?
Not at all Unique
Very Unique
Our ability to use customer information to develop differentiated products/services is:
Our ability to design products/services that are customer-driven is:
Our ability to respond to customer needs quickly is:
Our ability to respond to competitor needs quickly is:
Our ability to focus on high-value customers is:
Our ability to nurture our customers is:
Our ability to share customer information internally is:
Our ability to protect the privacy of customer information is:
29.To what extent has your organisation been able to translate each competency or skill (that follows) into offering products or services that provide superior value to customers and/or build stronger relationships with customers?
Our IT business partnerships:
Our external IT links:
Our business IT strategy:
Our IT management:
Our IT infrastructure:
30.To what extent has your organisation been able to translate each competency or skill (that follows) into offering products or services that provide superior value to customers and/or build stronger relationships with customers?
Our ability to use customer information to develop differentiated products/services:
Our ability to design products/services that are customer-driven:
Our ability to respond to customer needs quickly:
Our ability to respond to competitor needs quickly:
Our ability to focus on high-value customers:
Our ability to nurture our customers:
Our ability to share customer information internally:
Our ability to protect the privacy of customer information:

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