Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [tlkpyatxw

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [tlkpyatxw

Please specify the importance of the following characteristics of a shipbroker
Extremely Important
Very Important
Slightly Important
Not Important at All
Personal Relationship
Informative to Clients
Negotiable Skills
Level of Specialization
Do you believe that a shipowner / charterer would reach a decision to hire a broker depending only on the level of commission that the broker charges?
Do you believe that a periodical subscription for the broking services offered (no matter how many deals are achieved) would be preferable instead of the commission charged per deal?
Do you believe that the presence of a shipbroker is essential for achieving an agreement in the best interest for both parties?
Do you use any shipping related sites? (If Yes, please state which ones)
Please specify the importance of the reasons that would encourage you to use the services of a shipbroking related website
Extremely Important
Very Important
Slightly Important
Not Important at All
Accessibility of information (24h basis)
Range of information offered
Accuracy of information
Low cost of services
Time efficiency
Please specify the importance of the reasons that would discourage you to use the services of a shipbroking related website
Extremely Important
Very Important
Slightly Important
Not Important at All
Level of security
Accuracy of information
Lack of personal relationship
Risk of website failure
How easily do you believe that a new shipbroker would be assigned a deal by a shipowner/ charterer?
Do you believe that the level of commission charged by shipbrokers is too high in respect of the services offered?
Do you believe that shipowners/ charterers would carry out part of the negotiations with other party on their own in respect of a lower level of commission?

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