Survey Templates Surveys 5 Year Survey

5 Year Survey

What is your name? (This question is just to track who responds to the survey.)
2.When I entered Ohio Wesleyan, I was a
Were you an international student?
Were you a transfer student?
5.What did you MAJOR in within the ECONOMICS department? (Please check all that apply.)
If you checked more than one major in question 5, please check the ONE major that you would consider your primary major.
What did you MINOR in within the ECONOMICS Department?
When I graduated, my MAJOR GPA was: (Please refer to your primary major within the Economics Department. Please estimate if not sure.)
When I graduated, my OVERALL GPA was: (Please estimate if not sure.)
Did you have any other MAJOR(s) outside of the Economics Department that you COMPLETED while attending Ohio Wesleyan? If so, please list them below.
Did you have any other MINOR(s) outside of the Economics Department that you COMPLETED while attending Ohio Wesleyan? If so, please list them below.
What is your current employment status? (Please check all that apply.)
If you are employed, in what area is your PRIMARY job?
University attended
Program, e.g. Economics, business, mathematics, etc.
Degree received, e.g. MBA, PhD, etc.
What year did you begin the postgraduate program?
What year did you receive your degree?
Do your long-term goals include any additional education programs? If so, what type of program(s) and when would you enroll?
Did you ever have an academic advisor who was a member of the Economics Department?
18.Please check the slection that best characterizes your view about your academic advisor in the Economics Department. (If you had more than one academic advisor in the department, please use an average of the two.)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
a. Provided adequate information about OWU's graduation requirements
b. Provided adequate information about the Econ Dept's graduation requirements
c. Provided guidance in course selection
d. Made me feel welcome in his or her office
e. Was helpful with my postgraduate plans
f. Was available when needed
g. Appeared receptive to my needs
What were the PRIMARY strengths of the advising process?
What could be improved about the advising process?
21. PART III: Internships and the Woltemade Center
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
While you were a student at OWU, internships were a valuable part of studies in the Economics Department
22.While you were a student at OWU, did you particpate in any internships or summer jobs related to your major(s) in the Economics Department?
Please list and briefly decribe these internships or summer jobs.
Did you work with the Woltemade Center in obtaining any of these internships or summer jobs?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The Woltemade Center was helpful in obtaining my internship
Please briefly describe how the Woltemade Center helped in obtaining these internships or summer jobs.
27.Did you attend any of the special lectures sponsored by the Woltemade Center?
Did you receive any scholarships/awards offered by the Woltemade Center, e.g., Corns Entrepreneurial Scholarship, Woltemade Prize, Burton Morgan Award?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The Woltemade Center's activities/programs helped enhance the strength of my major(s) in the Econ Dept
30.PART IV: Satisfaction with Your Major within the Economics Department

Please check the selection that best characterizes your view about the following statements regarding your major within the Economics Department. If you had more than one, please refer to you primary major as noted above.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
a. The major challenged me to do my best
b. The major meshed well with a liberal arts education
c. The major is helping me advance along my career path
d. The major is helping me achieve my life goals
e. There were an adequate number of different courses from which to choose
f. I was satisfied with the quality of the instruction that I received in the Economics Department
What part of the curriculum in your major did you find particularly stimlulating or enlightening?
Has any particular part of the curriculum been especially helpful to you in your life after graduation?
What part of the curriculum in your major might be changed to improve the quality of education in the Economics Department?
If you could enroll at OWU again, what would you do differently regarding the choices that you made regarding courses and/or programs?
Any general comments you would like to share with us?

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