Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [mvrbasuoi

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [mvrbasuoi

Please select a member of the faculty from the Accounting Department who you feel deserves the Accounting Professor of the Year Award.
Which Professor most deserves the Business Law Professor of the Year Award from the Accounting Department?
Please choose the member of the faculty of the Economics Department who you feel deserves the Economics Professor of the Year Award.
Please select the faculty who you feel most deserves the Finance Professor of the Year Award for the Finance Department.
Please select the professor of the Management Department who you feel most deserves the Management Professor of the Year Award.
Please select the professor from the Management Science Department who you feel most deserves the Managment Science Professor of the Year Award.
Please select the professor from the Marketing Department who you feel most deserves the Marketing Professor of the Year Award.

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