Survey Templates Surveys Post-violation Trust Rebuilding

Post-violation Trust Rebuilding


We are currently conducting a research project about post-violation trust for Business-to-Customer (B2C) E-commerce. By violation, we mean any behavior of the online merchants that violates the default or accepted agreement between the sellers and the customers, and discourages the customers from trusting and continuing with the online business in the future. The violation of accepted terms may result from slow service, poor service, late delivery, hidden charges, return policy dispute, poor product quality, privacy infringement, and security breach etc.

We would greatly appreciate your help by spending about 10 minutes to give me your opinions on your experience of online shopping. Please remember there are no correct answers—only honest opinions. Your responses are anonymous and voluntary, and your privacy is assured. You can quit this survey at anytime and you do not have to answer the questions you don’t want to answer. There is no penalty for non-participation. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your participation.

Dr. Qinyu Liao
The University of Texas at Brownsville
Email: [email protected]
Have you ever had a bad or unhappy experience while buying items from websites?

Name of the website:

Item that you purchased or usually purchase (if there is more than one type) from this website:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your own future intentions?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I intend to continue trusting and using this website rather than discontinue its use.
My intentions are to continue trusting and using this website than use any alternative means (e.g., physical stores).
If I could, I would like to discontinue my trust and use of this website.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your trustworthiness?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
This website was very concerned about the satisfaction of customers
Customer satisfaction is very important to this website.
This website would not knowingly do anything to upset the customers.
This website is concerned about what is important to customers.
This website will do everything within its capacity to help the customers.
This website will do its best to be fair in dealing with customers.
This website has a strong sense of commitment.
I am never doubtful about whether this website will do what they promised.
I am never sure if this website is going to do what it promises or not.
This website displays a solid business ethic.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statements about yourself?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I believe this website will handle the violation according to the posted terms and conditions.
I feel very confident about this website’s capability to settle any disputes and fulfill my needs.
This website seems to be successful in performing its tasks.
I think this website is honest.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statements about your expectation?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
My experience with this website’s post-violation service was better than what I expected.
The post-violation service level provided by this website was better than what I expected.
Overall, most of my expectations of this website’s post-violation service were confirmed.

How do you feel about your overall experience of this website’s post-violation service:

What is your gender?
What is your occupation?
How many years of experience of electronic commerce do you have?
Which computer you use most often for electronic commerce?
What is your ethnicity?

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