Survey Templates Surveys Leadership




The purpose of this questionnaire is to solicit the views of respondents on the productive engagement of civic, corporate, and political leaders in governance and development process. The questions are structured, and mostly entail checking Yes/No responses.

Please contact Jide Balogun for any questions or comments.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1 917 367 5068

1.Do you believe that any of the following measures will promote citizen involvement in governance processes (Check YES or NO, as appropriate):
(a) Regular involvement of citizens and/or their representatives in the identification of policy of policy and programme priorities
(b) Establishment of formal institutional mechanisms to facilitate citizen participation in
local-level development planning and management
(c) Establishment of formal institutional mechanisms to facilitate citizen participation in national (i.e., Ministerial and Departmental) strategic planning process
(d) Reinforcement of the status of local power brokers and intermediaries (otherwise known as political ‘god fathers’)
(e) Investment in civic education programmes
(f) Incorporation of bottom-up methodologies in public service training curricula
(g) Involvement of the citizen in the evaluation of the performance of career officials (particularly, service delivery agents)
2. To what extent should citizens or their representatives be involved in budgeting and resource allocation decisions (check ONE ONLY):
Do you think that it is necessary to establish a special arrangement making it possible for disadvantaged groups to have their priorities reflected at the budget formulation and resource allocation stages ?
Do you think that it is necessary to establish a special arrangement enabling the poor to have their priorities reflected at the budget formulation and resource allocation stages?
Do you think that civic groups should have a role in checking or verifying the purposes/ends for which budget resources are allocated at the local level?
Do they (the civic groups) currently play this role?
Do you think that civic groups should have a role in verifying the purposes/ends for which budget resources are allocated at the national level?
Do you think that they currently play the role specified in paragraph 7 above?
Is it necessary for the Government to have a special initiative aimed at improving the quality and standards of services provided by various agencies?
Should the private sector be involved in the design and implementation of the initiative (and particularly, the identification of “customer service indicators)?
Should civil society be involved in the design and implementation of the initiative?
Should political god fathers have a role in the distribution of public amenities?
How should a service delivery initiative view and treat the citizen (CHECK ONLY ONE)?
Is it necessary to obtain the inputs of citizens and “customers” when developing indicators for the performance of public agencies?
Is it necessary to establish performance standards based on the citizen-determined performance indicators?
Should citizens and “customers” have any say at all in setting performance standards for public officials?
Should the opinions (and evaluations) of citizens and “customers” count when Ministries and Departments are taking decisions on the careers of service delivery agents (e.g., decisions on renewal of contracts, promotion, re-assignment, discipline)?
18.If citizen access to public officials and/or to the services that the officials provide is limited, where, in your own opinion, does the fault lie? Does the fault lie with (check YES or NO or DON’T KNOW against each of the following):
Don't know
The generality of the people who have shown little or no interest in claiming their rights and fulfilling their obligations as citizens of an organized community?
Individual citizens for choosing to approach public officials one by one rather than organize in groups to champion the cause of good governance?
The press, for failing to provide adequate civic education?
The elite, for failing to provide self-less and exemplary leadership?
The civil service bureaucracy, for keeping processes cumbersome, bewildering, and mysterious?
The political parties, for not educating their followers on the tenets of good governance?
Do you think that public service professionalism serves a useful purpose? (Check YES/NO/NO OPINION)
20.Please check YES/NO against each of the following questions, as appropriate:
Don't Know/No opinion
Is the application of merit in the selection of career officials necessary to maintain public service professionalism?
Does the principle of “security of tenure” for career officials serve the cause of professionalism?
Will performance contracting help promote the cause of professionalism?
Are legal provisions on the representation of minorities and historically disadvantaged groups consistent with the principle of professionalism?
21.Can you suggest ONE other measure which, in your opinion, will promote the cause of public service professionalism?
Should candidates for top policy making posts (such as Minister, Chairperson of State-owned Enterprises) be selected on the basis of their (Check ONE ONLY):
Should candidates for policy advisory posts be selected on the basis of their (CHECK ONE ONLY):
Should candidates for senior career positions (such as Principal/Permanent Secretary) be selected on the basis of their (check ONE ONLY):
Should the appointments of senior career officials be based on the principle of “security of tenure”? (Check Yes/No/No opinion)?
Is performance contracting for senior career officials feasible in the public service (Check YES/NO/NO OPINON)?
Which ONE of the following classes of appointments should be subject to periodic renewal (check ONE ONLY):
Will you say that the best way to make public administration responsive to the public is by (PLEASE CHECK ONE):
In your view as an individual, should petitions against executive misconduct or tyranny be (please check ONLY ONE):
Assuming that a particular decision (say, on recruitment, tendering or procurement) is perceived to be unfair, how would you expect the person(s) adversely affected to react (please CHECK ONLY ONE):
What is your own position on such contested decisions? Specifically, would you advise the aggrieved persons to (check ONE ONLY):
Should investigations of contested decisions be carried out with dispatch, by which is meant, the investigations should be completed and results announced (check ONE):
33.Should the relief awarded to genuinely aggrieved citizen/client take any of the following forms (check YES/NO/Don’t know) against each as appropriate):
Don't Know
Depending on the nature of the grievance, formal apology and financial compensation?
Formal apology, financial compensation, plus abrogation of contested decision?
Abrogation of contested decision only?
Formal apology only?
Institution of disciplinary proceedings against offending decision maker?
34.Is it appropriate to insert in the constitution or the statutes provisions for the recall (by members of the public) of holders of the following classes of posts (Check YES/NO/Don't Know) to each question):
Don't Know
Political functionaries, such as Ministers, Chairpersons of state agencies?
Senior career officials?
Holders of senior judicial appointments (judges, magistrates, etc.)?
Middle-level officials?
Service delivery agents dealing with members of the public on a regular basis?
All categories of public officials?
None of the above?
35.If the central (or local) government contemplates a highly controversial decision, particularly, a decision that is likely to disturb the people’s daily routines or affect their livelihoods which of the following measures should it adopt before proceeding further (Check YES/NO/DON'T KNOW) against each question, as appropriate):
Don't Know
It should establish a public committee or commission of inquiry to obtain the views of the public and of the affected persons?
It should establish an internal task force/committee with instructions to explore the pros and cons of the proposed decision?
It should recruit a firm of consultants to carry out necessary specialized studies and submit recommendations?
The Government, or a duly authorized person, should simply take a decision and expect its order to be promptly and strictly enforced?
The agency to implement a disagreeable decision should begin by arranging meetings with leaders/representatives of persons likely to be affected?
The agency of the Government should mount a publicity campaign to educate the public about the benefits of the proposed decision?
The Government should consult widely with all the affected persons, but should still do what it set out to do regardless of what the people say?
36.To whom should public officials be regularly and effectively accountable (Check YES/NO/DON'T KNOW against each question as appropriate):
Don't Know
to God Almighty?
to their conscience only?
to the electorate?
to tax-payers only?
to the press?
to political parties and chieftains?
to their bosses and other top Government functionaries only?
to political power brokers and ‘god fathers’?
to no-one in particular?
What is your name?
38.What is your age? (Please check only ONE applicable age bracket):
Gender (Check Male/Female):
State Highest Educational Qualifications (by checking ONLY applicable ONE below):
What is your occupation? (check ONLY ONE):
State of origin:
Do you think that they currently play the role specified in paragraph 7 above?

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