Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [phcdpbfre

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [phcdpbfre

Welcome to our Survey.

Answer each question to the best of your ability. Do not leave any blank unless you are directed to skip a question

(Duration: 20-25 minutes)

With what religious family do you most closely identify? (Please mark only one box)
If possible please specify the specific name of your denomination. For example if you are Baptist, are you Southern Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches in the USA, or some other Baptist denomination. If you are Lutheran, are you Lutheran Church in America, or some other Lutheran denomination...etc.?

Do the following terms describe your religious identity?
a. Born-Again
b. Bible-Believing
c. Charismatic
d. Theologically Conservative
e. Evangelical
f. Fundamentalist
g. Theologically Liberal
h. Mainline Christian
i. Pentecostal
j. Seeker
k. Religious Right
l. Moral Majority
Please indicate the ONE term that BEST DESCRIBES your religious identity. (Please mark only one box.)
How often do you attend religious services?
On average, how many people attend services at your current place of worship? Just your best estimate will do.
About what percent of the people at your current place of worship are of the same race/ethnicity as you?

How often did you participate in the following religious activities LAST MONTH?
Not at all
1-2 times
3-4 times
5 or more times
a. Religious education programs, such as Bible study or Sunday school
b. Choir practice or other musical programs
c. Church-sponsored counseling programs
d. Community or missionary outreach programs
e. Church upkeep or maintenance
f. Prayer meetings
g. Committee or administrative work at your church
h. Small group or Discipleship
i. Witnessing/sharing your faith with friends
j. Witnessing/sharing your faith with strangers
Outside of attending religious services, about how often do you read the Bible, Koran, Torah, or other sacred book?
About how often do you pray or meditate outside of religious services?
When you pray, to whom do you pray?
How often, if at all, do you participate in table prayers or grace before or after a meal?

The last time you prayed, did you pray about the following?
a. Praise or adoration
b. General world concerns and affairs
c. Confessing sins/ asking for forgiveness
d. Your family
e. Someone you know personally
f. Someone you do not know personally
g. People listed in a church bulletin, program or newsletter
h. Your personal financial security
i. Your personal health
j. Your spiritual life/relationship with God
k. Other personal needs or concerns
Which one statement comes closest to your personal beliefs about the Bible? (Please mark only one box)
Which ONE statement comes closest to your personal beliefs about God? (Please mark only one box)

Even if you might not believe in God, based on your personal understanding, what do you think God is like?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
a. A cosmic force in the universe.
b. Removed from worldly affairs.
c. Removed from my personal affairs.
d. Concerned with the well-being of the world
e. Concerned with my personal well-being
f. Angered by human sin.
g. Angered by my sins.
h. Directly involved in worldly affairs.
i. Directly involved in my affairs.
j. A "He"

How well do you feel that each of the following words describe God?
Very Well
Somewhat Well
Not very well
Not at all
a. Absolute
b. Critical
c. Distant
d. Ever-present
e. Fatherly
f. Forgiving
g. Friendly
h. Just
i. Kind
j. Kingly
Very Well
Somewhat Well
Not very well
Not at all
k. Loving
l. Motherly
m. Punishing
n. Severe
o. Wrathful
p. Yielding
Which one statement comes closest to your personal beliefs about Jesus? (Please mark only one box.)
Which one statement comes closest to your personal view of religious salvation? (Please mark only one box.)

In your opinion does each of the following exist?
Probably not.
Absolutely not.
a. God
b. Satan
c. Heaven
d. Hell
e. Purgatory
f. Angels
g. Demons
h. Armageddon
i. The Rapture
j. Ghosts
Probably not.
Absolutely not.

If you do believe in Heaven, how many of the following people do you think will get into Heaven?
Most .
About half .
A few .
None .
No opinion
a. Average Americans
b. Your personal friends
c. Your neighbors
d. Family members
e. Christians
f. Non-Christians

Please indicate whether or not you have ever had any of the following experiences:
a. I witnessed or experienced a miraculous, physical healing
b. I witnessed people speaking in tongues at a place of worship
c. I spoke in tongues at a place of worship
d. I personally had a vision of a religious figure while awake
e. I felt called by God to do something
f. I heard the voice of God speaking to me
g. I had a dream of religious significance
h. I changed profoundly as the result of a religious experience
i. I had a religious conversion experience


How do you feel about abortion in the following circumstances?
Always wrong .
Almost always wrong .
Only wrong sometimes .
Not wrong at all .
a. The baby may have a serious defect
b. The woman's health is in danger
c. The pregnancy is a result of rape
d. The family cannot afford the child
e. The woman does not want the child

How do you feel about sexual relations in the following circumstances
Always wrong .
Almost always wrong .
Only wrong sometimes .
Not wrong at all .
a. Before marriage
b. Between two adults of the same sex
c. With someone other than the marriage partner

How do you feel about the following marriage and family related issues?
Always wrong .
Almost always wrong .
Only wrong sometimes .
Not wrong at all .
a. Divorce
b. Living with a partner before marriage
c. Having a planned pregnancy outside of marriage
d. The adoption of a child by a gay couple
e. Adopting a child of a different race
f. Gay marriage

How do you feel about the following?
Always wrong .
Almost always wrong .
Only wrong sometimes .
Not wrong at all .
a. The consumption of alcohol
b. The viewing of pornography
c. The use of marijuana
d. Physician-assisted suicide
e. Embryonic stem cell research
f. War


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the war in Iraq and the Middle East:
Strongly agree .
Agree .
Disagree .
Strongly disagree .
Undecided .
a. The United States was justified in entering Iraq
b. Saddam Hussein was somehow involved in the 9/11 attacks
c. The U.S. must establish democratic order in the Middle East

To what extent do you agree or disagree that the federal government should:
Strongly agree .
Agree .
Disagree .
Strongly disagree .
Undecided .
a. Abolish the death penalty
b. Spend more on the military
c. Distribute wealth more evenly
d. Advocate Christian values
e. Defend Christian values
f. Regulate business practices more closely
g. Do more to protect the environment
h. Expand its authority to fight terrorism
i. Punish criminals more harshly
j. Promote affirmative action programs
Strongly agree .
Agree .
Disagree .
Strongly disagree .
Undecided .
k. Fund faith-based organizations
l. Allow the display of religious symbols in public spaces
m. Allow prayer in public schools

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the educational system and the media:
Strongly agree .
Agree .
Disagree .
Strongly disagree .
Undecided .
a. A racist should be allowed to teach at a high school
b. An atheist should be allowed to teach at a high school
c. An admitted homosexual should be allowed to teach at a high school
d. A Muslim should be allowed to teach at a high school
e. The typical college professor is out of touch with my values
f. The main stream media is out of touch with my values

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly agree .
Agree .
Disagree .
Strongly disagree .
Undecided .
a. God favors the United States in worldly affairs
b. God favors one political party in the United States

How important is it to do the following in order to be a good person?
Very important .
Somewhat important .
Not very important .
Not at all important .
a. Actively seek social and economic justice
b. Take care of the sick and needy
c. Teach others your morals
d. Convert others to your religious faith
e. Serve in the military
f. Consume or use fewer goods
How would you describe yourself politically?

On average, about how many hours per month do you volunteer...
None ..
1-2 hours ..
3-4 hours ..
5-10 hours ..
11+ hours
a. for the community, through your church?
b. for the community, not through your church?
c. for your church?

How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?
A lot ..
Some ..
Only a little ..
Not at all
a. People in general
b. Your neighbors
c. Your coworkers
d. Strangers
e. The United Nations
f. The U.S. government
g. George W. Bush
h. John Kerry
i. The media
j. The police
A lot ..
Some ..
Only a little ..
Not at all
k. Immigrants
l. People of other races
m. People who don't believe in God
n. Protestants
o. Catholics
p. Mormons
q. Muslims

What is your gender?
What is your date of birth?

What is your race? (you can mark "yes" to more than one)
a. White
b. Black or African-American
c. American Indian or Alaska Native
d. Asian
e. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
f. Some other race
By your best estimate, what was your total household income last year, before taxes? (if you are a dependent of you parents list their household income)


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly agree .
Agree .
Disagree .
Strongly disagree .
Undecided .
a. We are approaching an entirely new age that will radically change our view of science, spiritual knowledge, or humanity
b. Ancient advanced civilizations, such as Atlantis, once existed
c. Some alternative treatments are at least as effective as traditional medicine
d. It is possible to influence the physical world through the mind alone
e. Astrologers, palm-readers tarot card readers, fortune tellers, and psychics can forsee the future
f. Astrology impacts one's life and personality
g. It is possible to communicate with the dead
h. Places can be haunted
i. Dreams sometimes foretell the future or reveal hidden truths
j. Some UFOs are probably spaceships from other worlds
Strongly agree .
Agree .
Disagree .
Strongly disagree .
Undecided .
k. Creatures such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster will one day be discovered by science

As an adult, have you ever done any of the following?
a. Used acupuncture or other forms of non-traditional medicine
b. Consulted a horoscope to get an idea about the course of your life
c. Called or consulted a medium, fortune teller, or psychic
d. Visited or lived in a house or place believed to be haunted
e. Consulted a Ouija board to contact a deceased person or spirit
f. Had a dream that later came true
g. Witnessed an object in the sky that you could not identify (UFO)
Which of the statements below best summarizes your opinion of professional astrologers, psychics, palm readers, and other people who claim to foresee the future? (Please mark only one box)

Please take a moment to think about what makes your life and existance feel important and significant to you. Please respond to the following statements as truthfully and accurately as you can, and also please remember that these are very subjective questions and that there are no right or wrong answers.
Absolutely Untrue
Mostly Untrue
Somewhat Untrue
Can't Say Either
Somewhat True
Mostly True
Absolutely True
1. I understand my life's meaning
2. I am looking for something that makes my life feel meaningful
3. I am always looking to find my life's purpose
4. My life has a clear sense of purpose.
5. I have a good sense of what makes my life meaningful
6. I have discovered a satisfying life purpose
7. I am always searching for something that makes my life feel significant
8. I am seeking a purpose or mission for my life
9. My life has no clear purpose
10. I am searching for meaning in my life

Below are five statements with which you may agree or disagree. Using the scale below, indicate your agreement with each item. There is no correct answer. Please be open and honest in your responding.
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
1. In most ways my life is close to my ideal
2. The conditions of my life are excellent.
3. I am satisfied with life.
4. So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.
5. If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.
In general I consider myself:
Compared to most of my peers, I consider myself:
Some people are generally very happy. They enjoy life regardless of what is going on, getting the most out of everything. To what extent does this characterization describe you?
Some people are generally not very happy. Although they are not depressed, they never seem as happy as they might be. To what extent does this characterization describe you?

This completes the survey. Please make sure you have completed all of the questions relevant to you and then submit your survey. Thank you for your participation!

Survey Demonstration Conclusion

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