Survey Templates Surveys Learning Trasfer

Learning Trasfer

Learning Trasfer


You are invited to participate in a survey that asks questions about the recent share of wallet training for Account Managers. It will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Mike Lacy at 508-253-3374 or by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start the survey now.

1.Please indicate your gender.
Please identify your age group.
Please indicate your total years of work experience.
Please indicate your total years of sales experience.
What is your current role at Staples.
Prior to the training, I knew how the program was supposed to affect my performance.
Training will increase personal productivity.
When I leave training, I can't wait to get back to work to try what I learned.
I believe the training will help me do my current job better.
I get excited when I think about trying to use my new learning on my job.
If I successfully use my training, I will receive a salary increase.
I am more likely to be recognized for my work if I use this training.
My workload allows me time to try the new things I have learned.
There is too much happening at work right now for me to try to use this training.
If I do not use new techniques taught in training I will be reprimanded.
Successfully using this training will help me get a salary increase.
If I do not utilize my training I will be cautioned about it.
When employees in this organization do not use their training it gets noticed.
I have time in my schedule to change the way I do things to fit my new training.
Someone will have to change my priorities before I will be able to apply my new learning.
I wish I had time to do things the way I know they should be done.
My colleagues appreciate my using new skills I have learned in training.
My colleagues encourage me to use the skills I have learned in training.
At work, my colleagues expect me to use what I learn in training.
My colleagues are patient with me when I try out new skills or techniques at work.
My supervisor meets with me regularly to work on problems I may be having in trying to use my training.
My supervisor meets with me to discuss ways to apply training on the job.
My supervisor will object if I try to use this training on the job.
My supervisor will oppose the use of techniques I learned in this training.
My supervisor thinks I am being less effective when I use the techniques taught in this training.
My supervisor shows interest in what I learn in training.
If I use this training I am more likely to be rewarded.
I am likely to receive some 'perks' if I use my newly learned skills on the job.
Before the training, I had a good understanding of how it would fit my job-related development.
I knew what to expect from the training before it began.
I don't have time to try to use this training.
Trying to use this training will take too much engery away from my other work.
The expected outcomes of this training were clear at the beginning of the training.
Employees in this organization are penalized for not using what they have learned in training.
If I use what I learn in training, it will help me get higher performance ratings.
Employees in this organization receive various 'perks' when they utilize newly learned skills on the job.
If I do not use my training I am unlikely to get a raise.
My supervisor opposes the use of the techniques I learned in training.
My supervisor sets goals for me that encourage me to apply my training on the job.
My supervisor lets me know I am doing a good job when I use my training.
My supervisor will not like it if I do things the way I learned in this training.
My supervisor doesn't think this training will help my work.
My supervisor helps me set realistic goals for job performance based on my training.
My superviosr would use different techniques than those I would be using if I use my training.
My supervisor thinks I am being ineffective when I use the techniques taught in training.
My supervisor will probably criticize this training when I get back to the job.
The instructional aids (equipment, illustrations, etc.) used in training are very similar to real things I use on the job.
The methods used in training are very similar to how we do it on the job.
I like the way training seems so much like my job.
I will have the things I need to be able to use this training.
I will be able to try out this training on my job.
The activities and exercises the trainers used helped me know how to apply my learning on the job.
It is clear to me that the people conducting the training understand how I will use what I learn.
The trainer(s) used lots of examples that showed me how I could use my learning on the job.
The way the trainer(s) taught the material made me feel more confident I could apply it.
The resources I need to use what I learned will be availale to me after training.
I will get opportunties to use the training on my job.
What is taught in training closely matches my job requirements.
The situations used in training are very similar to those I encounter on my job.
There are enough human resources available to allow me to use skills acquired in training.
At work, budget limitations will prevent me from using skills acquired in training.
Our current staffing level is adequate for me to use this training.
It will be hard to get materials and supplies I need to use the skills and knowledge learned in training.
The organization does not really value my performance.
My job performance improves when I use new things that I have learned.
The harder I work at learning, the better I do my job.
For the most part, the people who get rewarded around here are the ones that do something to deserve it.
When I do things to improve my performance, good things happen to me.
Training usually helps me increase my productivity.
People around here notice when you do something well.
The more training I apply on my job, the better I do my job.
My job is ideal for someone who likes to get rewarded when they do something really good.
People in my group generally prefer to use existing methods, rather than try new methods learned in training.
Experienced employees in my group ridicule others when they use techniques they learned in training.
People in my group are open to changing the way they do things.
People in my group are not willing to put in the effort to change the way things are done.
My workgroup is reluctant to try new ways of doing things.
My workgroup is open to change if it will improve our job performance.
After training, I get feedback from people on how well I am applying what I learn.
People often make suggestions about how I can improve my job performance.
I get a lot of advice from others about how to do my job better.
I am confident in my ability to use new skills at work.
I never doubt my ability to use newly learned skills on the job.
I am sure I can overcome obstacles on the job that hinder my use of new skills or knowledge.
At work, I feel very confident using what I learned in training even in the face of difficult or taxing situations.
People often tell me things to help me improve my job performance.
When I try new things I have learned, I know who will help me.
If my performance is not what it should be, people will help me improve.
I regularly have conversations with people about how to improve my performance.

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