Survey Templates Surveys The role of Wikis in supporting inquiry based lear

The role of Wikis in supporting inquiry based lear

The role of Wikis in supporting inquiry based learning

What is your level of study?
If you are an undergraduate student, which year are you in?
Have you had any experience of wikis (for example wikipedia) before undertaking this questionnaire?
How often do you visit wiki(s)?
Please give the names/web addresses of the wikis you usually visit:
Why do you use wiki(s)?
What do you use wikis for?
Have you had any course module that uses wikis particularly for supporting learning of that module?
Please give the name/web address of the Wiki(s) you have used through your course:
Do you think the wiki(s) you used on the course was/were effective in supporting your course study?
Have you ever used any wiki(s) as a source to develop a research idea or project topic during your course study?
Have you ever created or developed your own wiki(s) on a topic of interest to you?
Is that topic related to your course of study?
Do you have any concern about using wikis?
Please indicate the points that concern you
Are you aware of the term ‘wiki’ which is used to define a type of social software on the web?
What discourages you from using wikis?
If you do not like to use Wikis, please give your reasons:
Do you use other similar technologies to support your learning (e.g. bulletin boards, blogs)?
Have you found these technologies helpful to support your learning?
Please indicate how these technologies are helpful for your learning:
What is your level of study?

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