Survey Templates Surveys Survey of Orthodontic Residents in the USA

Survey of Orthodontic Residents in the USA

Survey of Orthodontic Residents in the USA

What is your gender?
What is your age?
What is your current level of training in your program?
How many years were you qualified as a dentist before beginning your orthodontic residency? Please check one.
i) What city and country were you born in?
ii) What city and country did you complete high school?
i) Which degrees did you complete before dental school? Check all that apply.
How much debt will you have upon graduation from your program?

Reasons for Choosing Orthodontics
What were the main factors influencing your decision to pursue an Orthodontic residency training program? Select all that apply.
What was the single most important factor influencing your decision to pursue an Orthodontic residency training program? Select ONE answer only.
When did you decide to pursue an Orthodontic training program?
Which statement applies to your undergraduate dental curriculum?

Future Directions
What are your future plans after training?
What city, state and country do you plan on practicing when you graduate?
What type of setting will you most likely practise in?
What type of population do you plan on primarily serving?
What type of practice will you work in?
Do you plan on practising part-time (less than 3 business days/week) or full time?
Approximately how much time will you dedicate to research (basic or clinical)?
Do you plan to include the treatment of cleft lip and palate and craniofacial anomaly patients in your practice?
Do you plan on using self-ligating brackets in your practice?
Do you plan on using Invisalign® in your practice?
Do you plan on using temporary anchorage devices in your practice?
If yes, do you plan on placing these temporary anchorage devices yourself?
Do you plan on using cone-beam computerized tomography in your practice?
Do you plan on using a digital imaging program in your practice?
Do you plan on using indirect bonding in your practice?
Do you plan on using lingual orthodontics in your practice?
Do you plan on performing two-phase treatment in your practice?
Do you plan on using functional appliances in your practice?
From which company do you plan on purchasing orthodontic bracket after graduation?
Why do you plan on purchasing brackets from this company? (select as many as apply)
1 year after graduation:
5 years after graduation:
10 years after graduation:
Do you plan on receiving ABO certification after graduation?
Should it be mandatory for all orthodontic graduates to receive ABO certification to practice orthodontics in the US?

Evaluation of Program
What is your general level of satisfaction with your Orthodontic training program so far? (please note - your responses are anonymous)
Does your program have regular formal didactic teaching sessions or dedicated & protected academic time?
Does your program offer training in numerous orthodontic treatment philosophies?
What do you feel about the amount of clinic-based training in your program?
What do you feel about the amount of research-based training in your program?
How many patients do you think you will have completed, from start to finish, by the end of your training program?
How many orthognathic surgery patients do you estimate you will have completed, from start to finish, by the end of your training program? Please indicate a number.
How many extraction patients do you think you will have completed, from start to finish, by the end of your training program? Please indicate a number.
How many non-extraction patients do you think you will have completed, from start to finish, by the end of your training program? Please indicate a number.
Does your training program have dedicated research time?
Do you think your program should have more dedicated research time?
Do you feel orthodontic residents should undertake a Masters of Science (research component) during their training program?
How many patients during your training do you estimate that you will have treated in the mixed dentition? Please indicate a number.
Does your program contain formal training in treating patients with cleft lip and palate and craniofacial anomalies?
Does your program include any care for persons who are disabled or underserviced?
At the end of your training program, do you think you will feel adequately prepared to enter the workforce?
Do you feel that there is a fair balance of the education and service aspects of your program?
Which statements about the perception of orthodontics by other dental disciplines do you feel is most accurate? Other disciplines have a:
How many adults do you estimate you will treat from start to finish? Please indicate a number.
Does your program have a formal interdisciplinary program for treating patients?
Which specialties do you collaborate with in your training/are you learning with?
Do you think the 24 to 30 month USA programs adequately prepares orthodontic residents?
Should their be an enforced the 36 month full-time University “Standard” for licensure?
What should be the MINIMUM full-time program length for North American graduate orthodontic program?

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