Survey Templates Surveys Jelsons



Please enter you Birthdate
What country are you from?
Please choose your class year
Which school do you attend?
What are the hardest things in your opinion about adjusting to a college life in America?
Check all that apply
Transitional services (obtaining proper papers and Identification cards required by the United States)
Transportation Services (shuttle access to various locations)
Day Trips (Sporting events, Shopping, Amusement Parks, Sightseeing Tours, Skiing and Beach related activities, etc)/ Holiday Parties/ Group Dinners
Class Tutoring/ESL
Other services which include doctor referrals, help with purchasing or leasing a car, having access to a clubhouse with computers and entertainment (pool tables, video games, TVs etc)
Which services would you be interested in to help better your college experience?
Does your International Student Center offer any of the following services mentioned in the previous question?
Would you be willing to pay for the services mentioned above?
If so, please enter your email address to find out more about Jelsons international transitional services.
Please enter any comments or suggestions relating to services not mentioned above that would appeal to you.

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