Survey Templates Surveys Frameworks Success Investigation

Frameworks Success Investigation

Frameworks Success Investigation

Thank you very much for participating in our survey about software frameworks. We are grateful for the time and effort you have accepted to spend for us. Keep in mind that what we are mainly interested in your feelings and opinions, so please feel free to answer a question even if you are unsure about the accuracy of the information in your possess.

Framework definition 1: "A framework is a set of classes that embodies an abstract design for solutions to a family of related problems."
Framework definition 2: "A framework is a partial design and implementation for an application (or more commonly one tier of an application) in a given problem domain."

1/4: Information about yourself
Age in years:
Software development experience in years:
Number of frameworks explored (used, tried out) so far:
Frameworks experience in years (in using frameworks):

2/4: General questions about the evaluated framework
Please concentrate on a single (most experienced or most frequently used) framework in following questions. You will relate to this framework in all following questions.
Name of the framework you will evaluate in this study:
My framework use is:
Framework related function / position:
How many projects did you complete so far using the framework?
In how much of current software projects do you use the framework?
For how long do you already use the framework?
On average, how frequently do you use the framework?

3/4: Questions about your experiences with the evaluated framework
Please indicate your agreement with the next set of statements using the following rating scale.
Your confidence in the framework.
Strongly agree
Partial agree
Partial disagree
Strongly disagree
CF2: The framework fails frequently.
CF3: The framework handles failures well if (when) they occur.
CF1: I believe that the framework is mature.
Your understandability of the framework.
Strongly agree
Partial agree
Partial disagree
Strongly disagree
UD1: The framework is self-descriptive.
UD2: The accessibility, level of detail and quality of framework documentation is good.
UD3: The framework is easy to learn.
Your perception about the adaptability of the framework.
Strongly agree
Partial agree
Partial disagree
Strongly disagree
AD2: The framework can be installed on different environments.
AD1: The framework can be easily adapted or extended to fulfill application requirements.
AD3: The framework can be easily transferred from one environment to another.
Your perception about the efficiency of the framework.
Strongly agree
Partial agree
Partial disagree
Strongly disagree
EF1: The framework requires too much of system resources.
EF2: The framework provides appropriate response and processing times.
EF3: The framework slows down the system (computer).
Your perception about the implementation gap between you and the framework.
Strongly agree
Partial agree
Partial disagree
Strongly disagree
IG3: Major modification in our software development policies and procedures was necessary for the framework to truly fit in.
IG1: I felt there existed a large gap between my existing skill and knowledge and those required by the framework.
IG2: Learning the framework was not a matter of building on what I knew already.
Your perception about the matching of the framework to your requirements.
Strongly agree
Partial agree
Partial disagree
Strongly disagree
TTF2: The framework provides suitable set of functions for specified tasks and user objectives.
TTF1: The framework functions or services are in opposition to my/our application requirements.
TTF3: In each case I use the framework only if it suits to specified requirements.

4/4: Questions about your experiences with the evaluated framework
Almost done. Please indicate your agreement with the next set of statements using the following rating scale.
Your perception about the ease of using the framework.
Strongly agree
Partial agree
Partial disagree
Strongly disagree
PEOU5: I find it takes a lot of effort to become skillful at using the framework.
PEOU3: Overall, I believe that the framework is easy to use.
PEOU1: The framework is rigid and inflexible to interact with.
PEOU2: I find it is easy to get the framework to do what I want it to do.
PEOU4: Learning to operate the framework is easy for me.
Your perception about the usefulness of the framework.
Strongly agree
Partial agree
Partial disagree
Strongly disagree
PU2: Using the framework increases my job performance.
PU1: Using the framework increases my productivity.
PU4: Overall, I find the framework useful in my job.
PU3: Using the framework enhances my effectiveness on the job.
Your framework acceptance.
Strongly agree
Partial agree
Partial disagree
Strongly disagree
FA4: I fully use the capabilities of the framework.
FA2: I feel that the framework constitutes an integral part of my daily work.
FA1: I have fully accepted the framework in my daily work.
FA3: I consider myself a frequent user of the framework.
Your intention for continued framework use.
Strongly agree
Partial agree
Partial disagree
Strongly disagree
CFU3: I am not going to use the framework in the future.
CFU2: I intend to continue my use of the framework in the future.
CFU1: I intend to increase my use of the framework in the future.
Your perception about the framework net benefits.
Strongly agree
Partial agree
Partial disagree
Strongly disagree
NB2: In my case the framework increases the quality of software development.
NB3: In my case the framework lowers the time for finishing software (lead time).
NB1: In my case the framework increases the productivity of software development.
SAT1: How do you feel about your overall experience with the framework use?
SAT2: How do you feel about your overall experience with the framework use?
SAT3: How do you feel about your overall experience with the framework use?
Please enter any comments or concerns you may have about this survey.
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