Survey Templates Surveys QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [tuqpsatjd

QuestionPro Feature Survey (A) - COPIED [tuqpsatjd

You are invited to participate in the survey on "Teaching Methods in B-Schools". All questions in this survey are compulsory. It will take approximately 8-10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. The objective of this study is to learn about the effectiveness of different teaching methods adopted by different Business Schools across the world, based on your perceptions and experience. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. For this study, it is very important to learn about your opinions. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Mr. Mukul Malik at +91-9884907886 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the "Continue" button below.
Business School
Organization/ Designation
1. Which of the following types of teaching methods have you experienced in, either inside or outside a Business School? Check all that apply.
For Questions 2-6: On a scale of 1-5, where 1 is "Not at all effective" and 5 is "Highly effective", how effective do you feel each teaching method is/ can be for you?
2. Finance and Accounting
Not at all effective
Highly effective
Lecture/ Demonstration
Classroom learning, Faculty
Classroom learning, Instructor from Industry
Traditional Case Study
Integrated Case Study
Research Study
Experiential learning, On-Campus
Experiential learning, Internship
Self paced learning
Distance Learning, Facilitated
Not at all effective
Highly effective
3. Marketing and Strategy
Not at all effective
Highly effective
Lecture/ Demonstration
Classroom learning, Faculty
Classroom learning, Instructor from Industry
Traditional Case Study
Integrated Case Study
Research Study
Experiential learning, On-Campus
Experiential learning, Internship
Self paced learning
Distance Learning, Facilitated
Not at all effective
Highly effective
4. Operations and Technology
Not at all effective
Highly effective
Lecture/ Demonstration
Classroom learning, Faculty
Classroom learning, Instructor from Industry
Traditional Case Study
Integrated Case Study
Research Study
Experiential learning, On-Campus
Experiential learning, Internship
Self paced learning
Distance Learning, Facilitated
Not at all effective
Highly effective
5. Human Resource and Organizational Behavior
Not at all effective
Highly effective
Lecture/ Demonstration
Classroom learning, Faculty
Classroom learning, Instructor from Industry
Traditional Case Study
Integrated Case Study
Research Study
Experiential learning, On-Campus
Experiential learning, Internship
Self paced learning
Distance Learning, Facilitated
Not at all effective
Highly effective
6. In general, overall
Not at all effective
Highly effective
Lecture/ Demonstration
Classroom learning, Faculty
Classroom learning, Instructor from Industry
Traditional Case Study
Integrated Case Study
Research Study
Experiential learning, On-Campus
Experiential learning, Internship
Self paced learning
Distance Learning, Facilitated
Not at all effective
Highly effective
7. a. Overall, if you had to choose one teaching method, which would be most effective for you? (Choose one)
7b. Why? (Optional)
8. a. Overall, which method is/ can be least effective for you? (Choose one)
8b. Why? (Optional)
9. Please share any additional thoughts you may have about teaching methods in Business Schools.
Name/ Email/ Business School/ Organization-Designation

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