Survey Templates Surveys Determining Basic Voice Classification of High Sch

Determining Basic Voice Classification of High Sch


This survey is about basic voice classification of high school (grades 9-12) choir students. When taking this survey, please remember that the only voice parts to be considered are soprano, alto, tenor, and bass.

(Duration: approx. 5 minutes)

How often do you voice test your students to determine basic voice classification (SATB)?
Do you test vocal range (outermost limits of the voice) to determine voice part?
Do you typically test vocal range in a group or individual setting?
In a group setting, what are the typical exercises you use when testing vocal range?
In an individual setting, what are the typical exercises you use when testing vocal range?
Do you test tessitura (the average pitch level) to determine voice part?
Do you typically test tessitura in a group or individual setting?
In a group setting, what are the typical exercises you use when testing tessitura?
In an individual setting, what are the typical exercises you use when testing tessitura?
Do you consider timbre (tone quality) to determine voice part?
Do you consider passaggi (breaks between vocal registers) to determine voice part?
Do you consider speaking pitch (the note on or about which the student naturally speaks) to determine voice part?
Do you allow your students to choose their own voice part?
Please rank the following from most important (1) to least important (10) when determining a student's voice part.
Student preference
Needs of the ensemble (balanced sections)
Ability to read music
Speaking pitch
Timbre (tone quality)
Passaggi (breaks)
Prior choral experience
Range (outermost limits)
Tessitura (average pitch level)
Do your female students regularly switch parts (alternate alto and soprano from song to song)?
Do you have any unchanged male voices in your choir(s)?
What part do they (unchanged male voices) typically sing in an SATB choral arrangement?
Are you male or female?
What is your voice classification in an SATB choir?
How many classes of high school choir (grades 9-12) do you teach? (Do NOT include extracurricular ensembles or other music classes.)
How many years of teaching experience do you have?
What is the highest level of education you have attained?

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