Survey Templates Surveys Untitled



Internet Usage
How long have you been using the Internet (e.g. using any one service such as e-mail, web-browser, gopher, ftp, chat, etc.)?

How frequently do you access the web from the following places?
Less than once a month
From home (including a home office)
From work
From school
From a public terminal (e.g. library, cybercafe, etc.)
From other places
How long have you been using Amazon's Mechanical Turk (e.g. working on HIT's, or submitting HIT's)?
How did you find out about the Amazon Mechanical Turk ? ( Please check all that apply )
How many HIT's have you worked on in sum ? (an approximate number is OK)
In general, how difficult ( how intellectually challenging ) are the tasks (HIT's) you have worked on ? ( scale 1 to 10)
In general, how entertaining ( how much fun ) were the tasks (HITs) you have worked on ? (scale 1 to 10)

Personal Information
How old are you ? ( your age in years )
Note: This is a sensitive question that can help Internet developers to understand the needs of current Web users--it is not intended to offend.
Please indicate your approximate personal income in U.S. dollars per year.

Where do you come from ?
Which of the following best describes the area you live in?
What is your mother tongue (i.e. the language you speak at home) ?

Professional Information
Please indicate the highest level of education completed.
What is your profession ?
What is your employment status ?
Which of the following categories best describes the industry you primarily work in ?
Which of the following best describes your role in industry?
The organization you work for is in which of the following:

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